24/7 Farm  News Coverage

August 31, 2023

Squeezed out: Bulgaria lavender oil makers fear EU laws

Zelenikovo, Bulgaria (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
As a successful harvesting season yielding several hundred tonnes of lavender oil wraps up in Bulgaria - the world's top producer - the industry's future looks more grey than purple. ... more

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FARM NEWS Acai berry craze: boon or threat for the Amazon?
Abaetetuba, Brazil (AFP) Aug 26, 2023
Working in the sweltering heat of the Brazilian Amazon, Jose Diogo scales a tree and harvests a cluster of black berries: acai, the trendy "superfood" reshaping the world's biggest rainforest - for better and worse.
FARM NEWS High heat can serve up food insecurity within days
Paris (AFP) Aug 21, 2023
Amid record-high temperatures globally, a study Monday reveals that a few days of searing heat can be enough to prevent billions of people already living hand-to-mouth on daily wages from putting food on the table.
FARM NEWS Three charged over theft of lambs from farm on UK royal estate
London (AFP) Aug 21, 2023
UK police on Monday charged three members of an animal rights group that claimed to have "rescued" three lambs from a farm on King Charles III's Sandringham estate in eastern England.


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TRADE WARS Markets build on global rally ahead of key US data
Hong Kong (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
Traders extended a global rally Tuesday ahead of US data this week that could be key to the Federal Reserve's decision-making on interest rates.
SPACE MEDICINE Bioprinting tech could address critical health challenges in space
Manchester UK (SPX) Aug 25, 2023
New research by The University of Manchester will enhance the power of bioprinting technology, opening doors to transform advances in medicine and addressing critical health challenges faced by astr
MOON DAILY India and the global race to the Moon
Atlanta GA (SPX) Aug 25, 2023
India made history as the first country to land near the south pole of the Moon with its Chandrayaan-3 lander on Aug. 23, 2023. This also makes it the first country to land on the Moon since China i

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FARM NEWS Wine grape disease spotted from skies above California
Pasadena CA (JPL) Aug 11, 2023
In a case study, scientists detected the costly infection in cabernet sauvignon grapevines before they showed symptoms visible to the human eye. Withering molds, root-rotting bacteria, viruses, and
FARM NEWS US orange juice prices hit record after storms, crop disease
New York (AFP) Aug 10, 2023
US orange juice prices have hit records in recent days in the wake of tropical storms and the outbreak of an insect-spread disease that has decimated Florida crops.
FARM NEWS NASA data helps Bangladeshi farmers save water, money, energy
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Aug 04, 2023
With nearly 170 million residents, Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated nations in the world. Nearly half of its residents work on or live around farms, and rice crops are critical to fee
FARM NEWS Austria farmers up in arms over Brussels GMO plans
Schönfeld, Austria (AFP) Aug 3, 2023
The European Commission's proposal to ease current restrictions on genetically modified crops has riled up EU organic farming leader Austria and its farmers.

US sets up panel in trade spat with Mexico over GMO corn

Washington (AFP) Aug 17, 2023
The United States announced Thursday the establishment of a dispute settlement panel in a row with Mexico over its plans to ban certain genetically engineered agricultural products. ... more

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