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Infospectrum expands Spire Global contract to enhance vessel-tracking capabilities

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Infospectrum expands Spire Global contract to enhance vessel-tracking capabilities

by Staff Writers
Vienna VA (SPX) Aug 30, 2023
Infospectrum has expanded its agreement with Spire Global, Inc. (NYSE: SPIR) is seto to acquire historical vessel-tracking data in addition to port event information.

The maritime analytics market is expected to be over $2 billion by 2028. Spire's historical automatic identification system (AIS) data and Port Events solution - which supplies live and historical vessel arrival and departure times in ports, anchorages, terminals and canals - provides visibility into a vessel's entire journey.

Through the integration of Spire's APIs, Infospectrum can deliver industry-leading insights and solutions for risk management, compliance, and trade approval to the shipping, commodities, and energy markets.

"The insights we provide underpin trading and credit decisions every day and contribute to the effective management and mitigation of risk," said Magnus Evjebraaten, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Infospectrum.

"With the addition of Spire AIS data along with Port Events, we are able to empower our clients globally to accurately, quickly and confidently assess risk and seize viable opportunities in what are the most challenging commercial environments."

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: Infospectrum has recently expanded its agreement with Spire Global Inc. (NYSE: SPIR) to acquire historical vessel tracking data in addition to port event information. This will enable Infospectrum to provide industry-leading insights and solutions for risk management, compliance, and trade approval to the shipping, commodities, and energy markets. This agreement is significant as the maritime analytics market is expected to be over $2 billion by 2028, providing a valuable source of revenue for both companies. Furthermore, the integration of Spire’s APIs into Infospectrum’s systems will allow users to accurately, quickly, and confidently assess risk and seize viable opportunities in challenging commercial environments.

Since the end of the Cold War, the space and defense industry have grown significantly. The influx of new technologies has enabled increased collaboration between companies, leading to greater efficiency and innovation. This agreement is just one example of the industry’s growth, as it provides two companies with valuable resources to help them compete in what is expected to be a lucrative market.



  • 1. What other companies are competing in the maritime analytics market?

  • 2. How will the acquisition of historical vessel tracking data and port event information give Infospectrum a competitive edge?

  • 3.
What other services will be provided by Infospectrum as a result of this agreement?

4. What other potential applications could be developed by utilizing the data provided by Spire Global?

5. How could increased collaboration between companies in the space and defense industry further benefit the sector?

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