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Ukraine evacuates families from Zaporizhzhia zone being shelled by Russians

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Ukraine evacuates families from Zaporizhzhia zone being shelled by Russians

by Patrick Hilsman
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 29, 2023
Ukrainian authorities on Tuesday initiated a mandatory evacuation of 121 people living in settlements that have been exposed to Russian shelling.

The decision was made during a meeting of the coordination council of the Zaporizhzhia regional administration.

"The participants of the meeting unanimously voted for the mandatory evacuation of children with their parents, persons replacing them, or other legal representatives from certain settlements of Vasylivskyi and Pology districts of Zaporizhzhia region, located near the areas of hostilities," the Ukrainian Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories said in a statement Tuesday.

"We are talking about five settlements: the city of Huliaipole, the urban-type settlement Stepnogorsk, as well as the villages of Preobrazhenka, Yehorivka, Novopavlivka. Due to the difficult security situation and enemy shelling, 54 children and 67 accompanying persons (family members) will be forcibly evacuated from there," the ministry said.

People with limited mobility also will have to evacuate.

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar announced Monday that Ukrainian forces had liberated the town of Robotyne, potentially setting the stage for further pushes south toward the key occupied cities of Tokmak and Melitopol.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


Ukraine authorities initiated a mandatory evacuation of 121 people living in settlements that have been exposed to Russian shelling. The decision was made during a meeting of the coordination council of the Zaporizhzhia regional administration. 54 children and 67 accompanying persons, family members, will be forcibly evacuated from certain settlements of Vasylivskyi and Pology districts of Zaporizhzhia region located near the areas of hostilities. People with limited mobility also will have to evacuate.

Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar announced Monday that Ukrainian forces had liberated the town of Robotyne potentially setting the stage for further pushes south towards the key occupied cities of Tokmak and Melitopol.


The myth/metaphor in this situation is that the Ukrainian authorities are doing their best to protect innocent lives from the threat of Russian shelling. In this case, the Ukrainian government is the hero, taking action to save people from danger. It is a story of courage and hope, as the Ukrainian forces are pushing south to liberate more towns and cities from the threat of Russian aggression.

The story is also a reminder that war has a devastating impact on civilians and their families, and that it is important to do all that we can to protect them.

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