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UK needs more coherent China strategy: MPs' report


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UK needs more coherent China strategy: MPs' report

London (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
The UK government needs a more coherent and unified approach to China if its so-called tilt towards the Asia-Pacific region is to succeed, a critical report by MPs said Wednesday.

Ministers should publish an unclassified version of the China strategy as part of a "coordinated, whole-of-government approach", the 87-page report by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee said.

It brands Beijing "a threat to the UK and its interests", arguing that "the behaviour of the Chinese Communist Party is currently characterised by increased aggression" towards Britain.

The report also urges London to develop "deterrence diplomacy", increasing resilience and defence-orientated policies with allies, to counter Chinese threats and protect "the self-determination of the people of Taiwan".

The paper's publication -- following two years of evidence-gathering and research -- coincides with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly arriving in Beijing, in the first visit by Britain's top diplomat for over five years.

He has faced criticism for the trip but insists some engagement with China is necessary to further UK national interests and promote stable bilateral relations.

However, the cross-party Foreign Affairs Committee said that aim has been hindered by the government's own internal incoherence towards the region.

"It appears that there is confusion in Whitehall about the tilt to the Indo-Pacific, stemming from a failure to explain the policy, and its implications for resource allocation, across government," said the report, using another name for the Asia-Pacific region.

It urged "greater clarity on detail" and "concrete steps" to help deliver the shift.

- 'Vacuum' -

The UK first detailed its strategic "tilt" towards the Asia-Pacific region in March 2021, as part of the biggest overhaul of security, defence and foreign policy in decades.

Touted as "Global Britain" repositioning itself post-Brexit, it was seen as an overdue response to China's growing geopolitical importance.

The shift includes deepening ties with its regional rivals, such as India and Japan, as well as members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Other key areas include bolstering regional relationships in everything from military and space to cutting-edge technologies.

But more than two years on, Conservative MP Alicia Kearns, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said "there is still too much unsaid" around the policy.

"Strengthening our diplomatic, defensive and economic ties in the Indo-Pacific is critical -- if the West leaves a vacuum, China will eagerly fill it," she added, highlighting a raft of recommendations.

They include announcing "zero tolerance of transnational repression," including being prepared to expel foreign diplomats involved in intimidating or attacking British citizens or those given refuge in the UK.

London should engage with Taiwan to secure domestic investment in the semiconductor and wind industries, and build an alternative supply source for advanced semiconductors and wind energy components, the report urged.

The UK must expand alliances such as the AUKUS defence pact with Australia and the United States, and join the Quad strategic security dialogue between Australia, India, Japan and the United States, it added.

Britain should also further develop economic and people-to-people ties with Asia-Pacific countries, according to t he report.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis




This article highlights the need for the UK government to develop a more cohesive and unified strategy when it comes to China. The 87-page report by the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee suggests that the current approach of the government is characterized by “increased aggression” and a “vacuum” in terms of clarity and detail. The report also recommends that the government develops “deterrence diplomacy” and strengthens ties with allies in order to protect “the self-determination of the people of Taiwan”. Foreign Secretary James Cleverly is currently in Beijing, the first visit by Britain’s top diplomat in over five years. This visit has been met with criticism, however the committee states that some engagement with China is necessary to further UK national interests and promote stable bilateral relations.

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The article’s content is reflective of the significant events and trends in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years, in particular with regards to the UK’s approach to China. Over the past two decades, the UK has gradually strengthened its ties with China, from trade deals to diplomatic visits. However, this article is indicative of a shift in attitude. The UK government is now looking to take a more measured approach to their relationship with China, one that is focused on deterrence diplomacy and strengthening ties with allies. This shift in attitude is reflective of the current geopolitical climate, both in the UK and across the globe.



  • 1. What policy recommendations does the report make in terms of furthering the UK’s ‘tilt’ towards the Asia Pacific region?

  • 2. How can the UK government ensure that the ‘deterrence diplomacy’ proposed by the report is implemented effectively?

  • 3.
What resources are needed for the UK government to develop a more cohesive and unified approach to China?

4. How will the UK’s ‘tilt’ towards the Asia Pacific region impact its relationship with other countries in the region?

5. What potential implications could a more unified strategy have on the UK’s defense industry?

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