24/7 News Coverage

August 31, 2023

Picogrid, building a more open defense ecosystem, clinches $950m Air Force IDIQ contract

El Segundo CA (SPX) Aug 30, 2023
Picogrid has been awarded a $950,000,000 ceiling Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract for the maturation, demonstration and proliferation of capability across platforms and domains, leve ... more

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FIRE STORM Climate change boosts risk of extreme wildfires 25%: study
Paris (AFP) Aug 30, 2023
Climate change has sharply boosted the risk of fast-spreading wildfires, according to a Californian study published Wednesday that offers lessons for prevention after recent disasters in Canada, Greece and Hawaii.
WOOD PILE Voluntary deforestation carbon credits failing: study
Paris (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
Only a small fraction of private sector forest-based carbon credits available for purchase to offset greenhouse gas emissions actually help prevent deforestation, according to new research.
WOOD PILE Calls to boost food security at DR Congo rainforest summit
Kinshasa (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
A summit in Dr Congo's capital aimed at protecting central Africa's rainforest on Tuesday heard activists and politicians arguing that conservation efforts must address food security for locals.


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CLIMATE SCIENCE How climate change boosts hurricanes
Washington (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
Scientists are sounding the alarm on human-caused climate change's impact on hurricanes such as Idalia, which rapidly intensified over a warm Gulf of Mexico before making landfall in Florida on Wednesday.
AEROSPACE Is a Mach 4 Passenger Jet Possible? NASA, Industry Explore Idea
Cleveland OH (SPX) Aug 24, 2023
Flying from New York City to London up to four times faster than what's currently possible may sound like a far-off dream, but NASA is exploring whether the commercial market could support travel at
TRADE WARS China halves stock trade tax to boost market
Beijing (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
China halved the stamp duty on securities transactions, state media reported Sunday, in an effort to restore confidence in the world's second-largest stock market as the country battles an economic slowdown.

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FIRE STORM Fresh evacuations as Greek wildfires burn
Athens (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
Firefighters in Greece were battling flames for a ninth consecutive day on Sunday, as more areas of the country's north were ordered to evacuate their homes.
ENERGY NEWS Years of coal plant expansion torment Turkey's villagers
Soma, Turkey (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
Kneeling in the morning shade under a tree, Osman Arslan brews tea behind a coal-fired power plant that rises above his Turkish Aegean village like a beast.
FIRE STORM 'The risk is real': UK fire service preps for wildfires
Godalming, United Kingdom (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
At a military training site in Surrey, southeast England, a small team of firefighters blast the surrounding heathland with water as they practise tackling a different kind of enemy: climate change.
FIRE STORM Fires in Canada's north force another town to evacuate
Ottawa (AFP) Aug 26, 2023
Another town in Canada's Northwest Territories was forced to evacuate on Saturday as strong winds and rising temperatures gave new life to vast wildfires.

Deadly Greek wildfire still 'out of control'

Athens (AFP) Aug 28, 2023
A monster forest fire that has raged for nine days in the Dadia National Park in northeast Greece, a major European sanctuary for birds of prey, is still spreading, firefighters said Monday. ... more

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