Radar News from RadarDaily.com

August 31, 2023

North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles

Seoul (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
North Korea said it fired two short-range ballistic missiles as part of a "tactical nuclear strike drill" prompted by US-South Korean military exercises, state media reported Thursday. ... more

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TRADE WARS China factory activity contracts for fifth straight month in August
Beijing (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
China's factory activity contracted for a fifth straight month in August, official data showed on Thursday, as pressure mounts on Beijing to offer more policy support to bolster its sluggish economy.
MOON DAILY LRO data helping NASA prepare for Artemis astronauts on the Moon
Greenbelt MD (SPX) Aug 30, 2023
When astronauts set off for a trip around the Moon in 2024 with NASA's Artemis II mission, they will go primed with knowledge of lunar landmarks gathered by one of the Agency's premiere robotic miss
STELLAR CHEMISTRY Webb captures a cosmic Whirlpool
Paris (ESA) Aug 30, 2023
The graceful winding arms of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 stretch across this image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. Unlike the menagerie of weird and wonderful spiral galaxie


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TRADE WARS China halves stock trade tax to boost market
Beijing (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
China halved the stamp duty on securities transactions, state media reported Sunday, in an effort to restore confidence in the world's second-largest stock market as the country battles an economic slowdown.
SPACEWAR ULA rolls out Atlas V rocket for classified government launch
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 25, 2023
United Launch Alliance rolled out an Atlas V rocket Friday in preparation for next week's planned launch of a classified space surveillance mission from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.
WATER WORLD Fish stocks survive ocean heatwaves: study
Brest, France (AFP) Aug 30, 2023
Ocean fish can weather marine heatwaves with no major impact on their numbers, a study showed Wednesday, a rare flash of good news following a summer of record-breaking temperatures.

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SPACE MEDICINE Electric eels hold clue to new way to stimulate human cells
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 30, 2023
A chain reaction similar to how some eels generate electricity could be used in a novel biomedical way to stimulate cells in the human body, researchers at the University of Oxford said.
EXO WORLDS Newly discovered planet has longest orbit yet detected by the TESS mission
Boston MA (SPX) Aug 30, 2023
Of the more than 5,000 planets known to exist beyond our solar system, most orbit their stars at surprisingly close range. More than 80 percent of confirmed exoplanets have orbits shorter than 50 da
ROCKET SCIENCE Benchmark Space Systems cracks code for viable ASCENT propellant
Burlington VT (SPX) Aug 30, 2023
Tapped to help U.S. defense agencies deploy safer propellant alternatives to hydrazine, Benchmark Space Systems has announced a two-year, $2.81 million AFRL SPRINT (Space Propulsion Research and Inn
STELLAR CHEMISTRY Webb captures a cosmic Whirlpool
Paris (ESA) Aug 30, 2023
The graceful winding arms of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 stretch across this image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. Unlike the menagerie of weird and wonderful spiral galaxie

Webb captures a cosmic Whirlpool

Paris (ESA) Aug 30, 2023
The graceful winding arms of the grand-design spiral galaxy M51 stretch across this image from the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. Unlike the menagerie of weird and wonderful spiral galaxie ... more

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