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Campaigners urge debt cancellation to cut fossil fuel reliance


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Campaigners urge debt cancellation to cut fossil fuel reliance

by AFP Staff Writers
London (AFP) Aug 21, 2023
Debt obligations faced by countries such as Argentina and Mozambique are forcing them to exploit their fossil fuel resources and should be cancelled, campaigners urged on Monday.

Such countries may find it "impossible" to phase out fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy sources, unless the "debt-fossil fuel trap" is resolved, according to a report published by 35 groups including ActionAid International and Friends of the Earth International.

The report highlighted Argentina's commitment to fracking in Northern Patagonia, backed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as it seeks to ease its debt crisis.

"High debt levels are a major barrier to phasing out fossil fuels for many global south countries," said Tess Woolfenden from Debt Justice.

"Many countries are trapped exploiting fossil fuels to generate revenue to repay debt.

"Global north countries must urgently cancel debts for global south countries to prevent further climate turmoil," she urged.

Mae Buenaventura, from the Asian People's Movement on Debt and Development, said that the root of the problem was "the global north's relentless extraction of human, economic and environmental resources to feed the drive for profit and greed".

"Surely, debt cancellation -- especially of fossil fuel debts -- is the least that rich countries and lenders can do to repay the global south, to make reparations and bring about restitution as a matter of justice," she added.

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: This article examines how debt obligations faced by countries such as Argentina and Mozambique are leading them to exploit their fossil fuel resources and how this could be remedied through debt cancellation. According to the report, such countries may find it “impossible” to phase out fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy sources unless the “debt fossil fuel trap” is resolved. The article also highlights Argentina’s commitment to fracking in Northern Patagonia, which is backed by the International Monetary Fund, in order to ease its debt crisis. This article is highly relevant to defense industry analysts as it highlights the issue of debt obligations and how they are forcing countries to rely on fossil fuels. It is relevant to stock market analysts because it discusses the potential impacts of debt cancellation and the role of the International Monetary Fund in backing Argentina’s commitment to fracking. This article is also relevant to general industry analysts as it examines the potential implications of the “debt fossil fuel trap” and how it might impact the transition to renewable energy sources.The article correlates well with significant events and trends in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years, such as the increasing reliance of countries on fossil fuels and the decrease in the availability of renewable energy sources. This article also discusses the role of the International Monetary Fund in backing Argentina’s commitment to fracking, which is a trend that has been seen in other countries as well.Analysts might pose the following investigative questions to further understand the implications of the article:

  • 1. What other countries are facing similar issues with debt obligations and fossil fuel reliance?

  • 2. What other strategies might countries pursue to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels?

  • 3.
How effective would debt cancellation be in helping countries transition to renewable energy sources?

4. What are the potential economic impacts of debt cancellation?

5. What steps can be taken to ensure that debt cancellation is used responsibly and effectively?

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