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August 31, 2023

Rights groups urge US action to free Emirati activist

Dubai (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
The United States should push for the release of an Emirati activist "arbitrarily" detained in the UAE since 2017 ahead of this year's UN climate talks in Dubai, rights groups have urged. ... more

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AFRICA NEWS Army officers say toppled Gabon govt; China calls for Bongo safety to be guaranteed
Libreville (AFP) Aug 30, 2023
Military officers announced on Wednesday overturning the government in Gabon, in an apparent coup targeting President Ali Bongo Ondimba who has been in power for 14 years and whose re-election was just announced.
OIL AND GAS Oil firms pay Insta, TikTok influencers for ads
Paris (AFP) Aug 30, 2023
Oil companies are paying popular influencers to pump their gas on social media, sparking a backlash from some climate-conscious fans for promoting planet-warming fossil fuels among young people.
OIL AND GAS EU fossil fuel energy production hits record low
Paris (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
The European Union's fossil fuel energy production hit a record low the first half of the year, think tank Ember Climate reported Wednesday, although green sources are struggling to fill the gap.


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ABOUT US New ancient ape from Turkiye challenges the story of human origins
Toronto, Canada (SPX) Aug 25, 2023
A new fossil ape from an 8.7-million-year-old site in Turkiye is challenging long-accepted ideas of human origins and adding weight to the theory that the ancestors of African apes and humans evolve
SOLAR SCIENCE After Moon landing, India eyes the Sun
New Delhi (AFP) Aug 28, 2023
Days after becoming the first nation to land a craft near the Moon's largely unexplored south pole, India's space agency said on Monday it will launch a satellite to survey the Sun.
DEMOCRACY Two arrested in Hong Kong for 'foreign collusion'
Hong Kong (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
Two Hong Kong men were arrested on Tuesday for colluding with "a foreign country or with external elements" to endanger national security, police said, part of Beijing's long-running crackdown on what remains of the city's pro-democracy movement.

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OIL AND GAS Ecuador banned Amazon oil. Brazil's Lula wants to drill
Rio De Janeiro (AFP) Aug 25, 2023
The timing spoke volumes: just as Ecuador announced its historic decision to halt oil drilling in a sensitive Amazon rainforest reserve, Brazil trumpeted its massive fossil-fuel investment plans - which include oil exploration near the mouth of the Amazon river.
BIO FUEL Making aviation fuel from biomass
Boston MA (SPX) Aug 24, 2023
In 2021, nearly a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions came from the transportation sector, with aviation being a significant contributor. While the growing use of electric vehicles is he
OIL AND GAS Graphene discovery could help generate hydrogen cheaply and sustainably
Warwick UK (SPX) Aug 24, 2023
Researchers from The University of Warwick and the University of Manchester have finally solved the long-standing puzzle of why graphene is so much more permeable to protons than expected by theory.
BIO FUEL Chevron, partners develop a transportation fuel using animal waste as a feedstock
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 23, 2023
U.S. supermajor Chevron and its partners at Brightmark said Wednesday they delivered the first batch of natural gas derived from the decomposition of animal waste at a farm in Florida.

UN experts challenge Saudi Aramco over climate change

Geneva (AFP) Aug 27, 2023
UN experts have written to oil firm Saudi Aramco and its financial backers challenging them on allegations that their activities are fuelling climate change-related negative impacts on human rights. ... more

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