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Chevron, partners develop a transportation fuel using animal waste as a feedstock


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Chevron, partners develop a transportation fuel using animal waste as a feedstock

by Daniel J. Graeber
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 23, 2023
U.S. supermajor Chevron and its partners at Brightmark said Wednesday they delivered the first batch of natural gas derived from the decomposition of animal waste at a farm in Florida.

Brightmark RNG Holdings has a joint venture with Chevron and Brightmark subsidiaries. At the Larson Family Farms in Florida, the partners said they made their debut delivery of a form of natural gas that's considered renewable.

"The Larson Project captures methane from cow manure through the process of anaerobic digestion and converts it to renewable natural gas," they explained. "Methane is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), the second most abundant GHG, and is responsible for roughly 17.3% of global emissions."

Decomposition of organic matter, which is rich in carbon, yields methane, which has a chemical composition similar to natural gas found in shale and other geological deposits. The methane is purified to remove harmful compounds and increase its potency. That product can then be put through conventional pipelines for delivery to end users.

The technology is not limited to farms, however. So-called landfill gas is a source of methane derived from the organic matter found in the waste stream.

A company called Vision RNG in early August announced that nearly 10,000 consumers could get their natural gas by drawing on the emissions from the organic waste found in a Missouri landfill.

The Brightmark joint venture said the natural gas derived from the manure feedstock can be used as a transportation fuel, with Amazon, Federal Express and United Parcel Service among the growing list of companies turning to renewable natural gas to power their fleets.

The joint venture operates some 30 RNG projects across 40 farms nationally.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Brightmark Joint Venture




Chevron and Brightmark have partnered to create a joint venture, Brightmark RNG Holdings, to process and deliver natural gas derived from animal waste. This is a novel approach to renewable energy production, and the first batch of gas was delivered from the Larson Family Farms in Florida. By utilizing the methane emitted from decomposing organic matter, the venture is able to produce a renewable natural gas that is chemically similar to natural gas found in shale deposits. This gas can be used as a transportation fuel, and companies such as Amazon, Federal Express, and UPS have already begun to use it to power their fleets. The joint venture has 30 projects across 40 farms nationally, and this number is likely to increase in the future.

Defense Industry Analyst:


Stock Market Analyst:


General Industry Analyst:


The article discusses an innovative joint venture between Chevron and Brightmark to produce and deliver renewable natural gas from animal waste. This approach to renewable energy production is a novel one, and the first batch of gas was delivered from the Larson Family Farms in Florida. The use of methane from decomposing organic matter is a cost-effective and sustainable method of producing renewable natural gas, which can be used as a transportation fuel. This is a promising development for the defense industry, as it could provide a viable alternative to traditional energy sources. Moreover, it could also have a positive impact on the stock market by creating new opportunities for investors. Additionally, the general industry could benefit from the advancement of renewable energy technology, as well as from the potential cost savings associated with using this form of energy.

Comparing the articles content to significant events and trends in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years, there has been a steady move towards renewable energy sources. This trend is reflected in the joint ventures use of animal waste and organic matter for renewable energy production. This move towards renewable energy has been fueled by the growing awareness of the environmental impacts of traditional energy sources, as well as the potential cost savings associated with renewable energy technology.

Analysts might pose the following investigative questions to further understand the implications of the article:

  • 1. What economic benefits will the joint venture provide to the defense industry?

  • 2. What strategies are being used to ensure that the renewable natural gas produced is of the highest quality?

  • 3.
How will the joint venture expand in the future to increase its production of renewable natural gas?

4. What potential risks are associated with this new form of energy production?

5. How does the joint ventures approach to renewable energy production compare to other similar initiatives in the space and defense industry?

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