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Rights groups urge US action to free Emirati activist

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Rights groups urge US action to free Emirati activist

by AFP Staff Writers
Dubai (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
The United States should push for the release of an Emirati activist "arbitrarily" detained in the UAE since 2017 ahead of this year's UN climate talks in Dubai, rights groups have urged.

Ahmed Mansoor was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2018 after being convicted of spreading false information on social media and harming the reputation of the state.

In a joint letter sent to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday, 19 groups including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International called for diplomatic pressure on the United Arab Emirates to free Mansoor.

"We urge you to call on the UAE government to immediately and unconditionally release Ahmed Mansoor," the letter read.

They requested the US top diplomat "make this call publicly and to raise it in your engagement with UAE officials at the highest levels".

In their joint statement, the rights groups accused the Emirati authorities of having subjected Mansoor to conditions of detention that amount to "torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment".

The United Arab Emirates rejected the allegations.

"Such repeated claims are categorically untrue, and are once again false," an Emirati official told AFP.

"While serving his sentence, Mansoor receives all necessary medical care and examinations and is in good health."

The non-governmental organisations have accused Abu Dhabi of detaining at least 62 Emiratis for political reasons, but the official said the UAE "maintains an unwavering commitment to, and respect for human rights".

Rights groups have stepped up their lobbying for Mansoor's release in the lead-up to the COP28 climate conference that will be held in the UAE business hub of Dubai from November to December.

"Washington should use this opportunity, when the UAE is trying to improve its image internationally in advance of the climate conference, to publicly and privately pressure Emirati authorities," Joey Shea, UAE researcher at HRW, said in a statement.

Mansoor, one of the most prominent rights activists in the UAE, received the prestigious Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders in 2015.

His arrest in March 2017 under the Gulf state's cyber-crime law triggered an international outcry and was heavily criticised by HRW and Amnesty.

In early August, the UAE said it would allow environmental activists to "assemble peacefully" at COP28, despite a prohibition on unauthorised protests in the Gulf state.

The oil-rich UAE requires official permission for protests but effectively bans demonstrations it deems disruptive.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:


The article is relevant to Defense Industry Analysts as it outlines the plight of an Emirati activist facing detainment and the call from International Human Rights Groups to the US to pressure the UAE for his release. It also highlights the upcoming COP28 climate conference in Dubai and the potential opportunity for the US to use this to influence the Emirati government. However, the article does not explicitly address any military or security-related implications of the situation, which limits its relevance to Defense Industry Analysts.

Stock Market Analyst:


The article is not particularly relevant to Stock Market Analysts as it does not contain any information related to the potential financial impacts of the situation. It does, however, highlight the US’ potential role in using the upcoming COP28 climate conference to exert pressure on the Emirati government, which could have some indirect financial implications.

General Industry Analyst:


The article is relevant to General Industry Analysts as it outlines the plight of an Emirati activist facing detainment and the call from International Human Rights Groups to the US to pressure the UAE for his release. It also highlights the upcoming COP28 climate conference in Dubai and the potential opportunity for the US to use this to influence the Emirati government. This could have significant implications for the general industry if the US is successful in its effort to pressure the UAE for the release of the activist.




This article examines the call from International Human Rights Groups for the US to pressure the UAE to release an Emirati activist who has been arbitrarily detained since 2017. It further highlights the upcoming COP28 climate conference in Dubai and the potential opportunity for the US to use this to influence the Emirati government. This could have significant implications for the defense, stock market, and general industry sectors if the US is successful in its effort to pressure the UAE for the release of the activist. This article is relevant to Defense Industry Analysts as it outlines the plight of the activist and the US’ potential role in using the upcoming COP28 climate conference to exert pressure on the Emirati government. However, the article does not explicitly address any military or security-related implications of the situation, which limits its relevance to Defense Industry Analysts. It is also not particularly relevant to Stock Market Analysts as it does not contain any information related to the potential financial impacts of the situation. It is, however, relevant to General Industry Analysts as it outlines the plight of the activist and the potential implications for the general industry.

The situation discussed in the article is indicative of a long-term trend of human rights abuses in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the need to protect human rights by the international community. This article reflects the importance of these efforts and the potential for the US to make a difference in this arena.



  • 1. What diplomatic pressure is the US planning to exert on the UAE to release the activist?

  • 2. What are the potential implications of the US’ diplomatic pressure for the defense, stock market, and general industry sectors?

  • 3.
How has the international community responded to human rights abuses in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years?

4. What are the potential risks associated with the US’ diplomatic pressure on the UAE?

5. What other diplomatic options are available to the US to influence the Emirati government?

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