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Two arrested in Hong Kong for 'foreign collusion'


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Two arrested in Hong Kong for 'foreign collusion'

by AFP Staff Writers
Hong Kong (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
Two Hong Kong men were arrested on Tuesday for colluding with "a foreign country or with external elements" to endanger national security, police said, part of Beijing's long-running crackdown on what remains of the city's pro-democracy movement.

China in 2020 enacted a sweeping national security law in Hong Kong after the finance hub saw months of huge and sometimes violent protests calling for greater democratic rights.

Authorities have arrested more than 260 people under the law, with around 80 of them convicted or awaiting sentencing.

Police said the two men arrested Tuesday, aged 33 and 59, were suspected of "conspiracy to collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security".

They were also accused of "conspiracy to incite others to commit riot", police added.

The two men, who authorities did not name, were linked to the "612 Humanitarian Relief Fund", a now-defunct group that helped pay legal and medical costs for people arrested during the 2019 protests.

The duo were suspected of colluding with the fund to "receive donations from various overseas organisations to support people who have fled overseas or organisations which called for sanctions against Hong Kong", police said.

Identical allegations were made on August 10 when Hong Kong police arrested 10 other people with ties to the fund.

The fund disbanded in October 2021 after national security police demanded it hand over details that included information about its donors and beneficiaries.

Authorities have accused the group of fomenting dissent among jailed protesters and scrutinised its ties with Hong Kong activists who have fled overseas.

Last month, police put out bounties of HK$1 million ($128,000) each on eight pro-democracy activists living abroad, accusing them of violating the security law.

Some of the targeted activists have decried the bounties as "harassment" and the move was condemned by the United States, Britain and Australia.

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Two Hong Kong men were arrested on Tuesday for allegedly colluding with “a foreign country or with external elements” to endanger national security, according to the police. This is part of the Chinese government’s crackdown on the city’s pro-democracy movement in the wake of the 2020 national security law. The two men, aged 33 and 59, were connected to the “612 Humanitarian Relief Fund”, a now-defunct group that had provided legal and medical assistance to those arrested during the 2019 protests. Police said the two men were suspected of conspiring to receive donations from overseas organizations to support those who had fled Hong Kong and those calling for sanctions against the city. This event is part of a broader trend of the Chinese government’s efforts to control and suppress dissent in Hong Kong. This has included arresting and convicting over 260 people under the security law, putting out bounties for pro-democracy activists living abroad, and disbanding the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund.

Comparison with Significant Events and Trends: This arrest is comparable to the events leading up to the 2020 national security law, which was enacted in response to the large-scale protests calling for greater democratic rights in Hong Kong. Since then, the Chinese government has increased its efforts to control and suppress dissent in Hong Kong, including punishing those providing support to pro-democracy activists and using bounties to target those living abroad. This arrest is part of a broader trend of the Chinese governments efforts to repress pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.



  • 1. What evidence has been presented to link the two arrested individuals to the foreign colluding and inciting a riot?

  • 2. What are the implications of the Chinese governments suppression of dissent in Hong Kong for the regions international relations?

  • 3.
How have the arrests under the 2020 national security law impacted Hong Kongs pro-democracy movement?

4. What are the potential legal implications of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Funds disbandment?

5. What measures can be taken to protect the rights of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong?

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