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North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles

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North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles

by AFP Staff Writers
Seoul (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
North Korea said it fired two short-range ballistic missiles as part of a "tactical nuclear strike drill" prompted by US-South Korean military exercises, state media reported Thursday.

The launches came hours after Washington deployed B-1B bombers for combined air drills with Seoul and a day before the allies wrap up their annual Ulchi Freedom Shield exercises, which always infuriate Pyongyang.

The North's army said the missiles were fired late Wednesday in a "tactical nuclear strike drill simulating scorched earth strikes at major command centers and operational airfields" across the border in South Korea.

The "tactical ballistic missiles" were fired northeastward from Pyongyang International Airport and "correctly carried out (their) nuclear strike mission", the army said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

"The drill is aimed to send a clear message to the enemies," it added.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said it detected two short-range ballistic missiles fired from the North towards the East Sea, also known as the Sea of Japan, just before midnight.

The missiles flew around 360 kilometres before landing in the water, and the launches are now being analysed by South Korean and US intelligence officials, the JCS said in a statement.

Tokyo said both missiles were believed to have fallen near the east coast of the Korean peninsula and outside Japan's exclusive economic zone.

Pyongyang's army also staged command-level drills on Tuesday in response to the US-South Korean exercises, during which leader Kim Jong Un visited a training command post, KCNA said in a separate report.

The drill simulated repelling a sudden invasion and launching a counterattack to occupy "the whole territory of the southern half", it added.

Kim detailed future war plans, including "making simultaneous super-intense strikes" at core military posts to cause "socio-political and economic chaos".

Photos carried by the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper showed Kim, surrounded by military officers, pointing to what appeared to be South Korea on a blurred map of the Korean peninsula.

- 'Irreversible' nuclear power -

Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul, said North Korean missile launches during US-South Korean exercises were not unusual, but noted they were being carried out at "odd hours".

Pyongyang may want to demonstrate its ability to attack at any time and from many directions, or simply to complicate the allies' missile tracking and analysis, said Easley.

"Or Kim Jong Un could be suffering from insomnia and testing the readiness of subordinates at all hours of the night," he added.

North Korea has conducted a record number of weapons tests this year, and last week carried out its second failed attempt to put a spy satellite into orbit.

Seoul and Washington have ramped up defence cooperation in response, staging joint military exercises with advanced stealth jets and US strategic assets.

On Tuesday, the United States, South Korea and Japan held a trilateral naval missile defence exercise, their fourth such training this year, according to the Yonhap news agency.

Relations between the two Koreas are at their lowest point in years, and diplomacy is stalled after failed attempts to discuss Pyongyang's denuclearisation.

Kim has declared North Korea an "irreversible" nuclear power and called for ramped-up arms p roduction, including of tactical nuclear weapons.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

  • Defense Industry Analyst: 6

    The article is relevant for Defense Industry Analysts as it provides insight into North Koreas military capabilities and its readiness to respond to US-South Korean military exercises. It is also noteworthy that the North Korean army stated that the missiles were fired in a tactical nuclear strike drill, as this could signal an increased militarized approach to US-South Korea relations. Analysts should take into account that North Korea has increased its nuclear capabilities over the past 25 years, and these latest launches could be a sign of more aggressive military posturing.

  • Stock Market Analyst: 4

    This article is of moderate relevance for Stock Market Analysts, as it provides insight into the geopolitical climate of the region and how this could affect stock prices in the future. Although there is some risk associated with increased tensions in the region, it is unlikely to have a major impact on stock prices in the near-term.

  • General Industry Analyst: 6

    This article is relevant for General Industry Analysts as it provides insight into North Koreas militarized approach to relations with the US and South Korea. Analysts should be aware of the potential for increased tensions in the region as a result of North Koreas ballistic missile launches, and be prepared to adjust their strategies accordingly.




    North Korea has fired two short-range ballistic missiles as part of a tactical nuclear strike drill in response to US-South Korean military exercises. The missiles were fired from Pyongyang International Airport and flew 360 kilometres before landing in the East Sea. This is the latest in a series of military posturing from North Korea over the past 25 years, which has included increased nuclear capabilities. Defense Industry Analysts should take this into account when assessing North Koreas military readiness and capabilities. Stock Market Analysts should be aware that increased tensions in the region could lead to some risk in the future, but is unlikely to have a major impact in the near-term. General Industry Analysts should consider how these latest developments could impact their strategies.



    • 1. What are the implications of North Koreas increased militaristic posturing for the region?

    • 2. What is the current state of US-South Korea relations, and how could they be impacted by North Koreas missile launches?

    • 3.
    What other security measures have the US and South Korea taken in response to North Koreas military drills?

    4. How have North Koreas nuclear capabilities evolved over the past 25 years?

    5. What other geopolitical factors could potentially lead to increased tensions between North Korea and the US-South Korea alliance?

    This AI report is generated by a sophisticated prompt to a ChatGPT API. Our editors clean text for presentation, but preserve AI thought for our collective observation. Please comment and ask questions about AI use by Spacedaily. We appreciate your support and contribution to better trade news.

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