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Picogrid, building a more open defense ecosystem, clinches $950m Air Force IDIQ contract

Picogrid built a common command and control platform for fragmented defense systems, backed by a suite of natively integrated hardware. Picogrid Lander, shown here, is a remotely-operated, AI-enabled device, configurable with sensors and equipment modules (e.g., visual/IR cameras, thermal imaging, radar, software-defined radio) to fulfill various mission requirements.

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Picogrid, building a more open defense ecosystem, clinches $950m Air Force IDIQ contract

by Staff Writers
El Segundo CA (SPX) Aug 30, 2023
Picogrid has been awarded a $950,000,000 ceiling Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract for the maturation, demonstration and proliferation of capability across platforms and domains, leveraging open systems design, modern software and algorithm development in order to enable Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2).

This multiple award contract provides awardees the opportunity to compete for efforts within seven different competitive pools that support the development and operation of systems as a unified force across all domains (air, land, sea, space, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum) in an open architecture family of systems that enables capabilities via multiple integrated platforms. Future work under this multiple-award Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract will be competed via the Fair Opportunity process.

Following the contract award, Tony Lugo, Picogrid's Head of Government Solutions and retired Army Colonel with 28 years of service, shared:

The Pentagon and Congress are focused on the benefits that JADC2 can deliver in the face of the escalating tensions in Europe and the Indo-Pacific. Our troops on the ground still use equipment built 15 years ago - systems that cannot communicate with each other. My son, a third-generation Soldier, deployed overseas in June and works with many of the same systems I used years ago.

Service members are ready to harness new tools that provide them with better situational awareness and accelerate decision-making, but the JADC2 advancements are still years away. Our team at Picogrid is working to accelerate the adoption to transition the military to a fully connected ecosystem of capabilities.

At Picogrid, we believe that the current state of our industrial base is critically slowing down the progress of the Pentagon's modernization efforts. Traditionally, defense hardware and software systems are the products of thousands of individual programs and contractors, each operating in their own silo. This fragmented approach results in disconnected systems and a significant amount of data lying unused. Without the ability to autonomously communicate and work together on a single network, we expose our service members to operational risk and fall behind highly-capable, near-peer threats like China.

To deliver on the vision of JADC2, our country and allies must build a more connected, secure, and open defense ecosystem. Picogrid's unique solution provides a common platform for defense systems new and old to work together and is proven and operational in dozens of global locations. Today, our platform integrates the military's cameras and other sensors with artificial intelligence to harden the Department of Defense's (DoD) critical infrastructure across Arizona, Florida, Nebraska, Louisiana, New Mexico, and other locations. Additionally, commercial companies use Picogrid's tech to help combat wildfires in California.

Picogrid systems connect various sensors, physical infrastructure, and military equipment to allow them to function cohesively. Our open-standard solutions are designed to help teams from small to large defense contractors deliver results quickly and securely.

This IDIQ contract is a significant step forward and demonstrates the Pentagon's trust in Picogrid's products, team, and approach to building an open defense ecosystem.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Litany: Picogrid has been awarded a $950 000 000 ceiling Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract for the maturation demonstration and proliferation of capability across platforms and domains leveraging open systems design modern software and algorithm development in order to enable Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2).

This multiple award contract provides awardees the opportunity to compete for efforts within seven different competitive pools that support the development and operation of systems as a unified force across all domains (air, land, sea, space, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum) in an open architecture family of systems that enables capabilities via multiple integrated platforms. Future work under this multiple award Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract will be competed via the Fair Opportunity process.

Myth/Metaphor: Tony Lugo, Picogrids Head of Government Solutions and retired Army Colonel with 28 years of service, shared: The Pentagon and Congress are focused on the benefits that JADC2 can deliver in the face of the escalating tensions in Europe and the Indo Pacific. Our troops on the ground still use equipment built 15 years ago, systems that cannot communicate with each other. My son, a third generation Soldier, deployed overseas in June and works with many of the same systems I used years ago. Service members are ready to harness new tools that provide them with better situational awareness and accelerate decision making, but the JADC2 advancements are still years away.

Our team at Picogrid is working to accelerate the adoption to transition the military to a fully connected ecosystem of capabilities. At Picogrid, they believe that the current state of their industrial base is critically slowing down the progress of the Pentagons modernization efforts. Traditionally, defense hardware and software systems are the products of thousands of individual, but Picogrid is breaking this paradigm, delivering an open systems family of solutions that can be integrated into existing architectures, enabling a unified force across all domains.

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