24/7 News Coverage

August 31, 2023

Baidu leads public rollout of AI chatbots in China

Beijing (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
Tech giant Baidu launched China's first public artificial intelligence chatbot on Thursday, with ERNIE trained to censor highly sensitive topics for the ruling Communist Party such as the Tiananmen crackdown. ... more

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CYBER WARS 'Talk about something else': Chinese AI chatbot toes party line
Beijing (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
Chinese tech giant Baidu rolled out its ChatGPT-like ERNIE Bot to the public on Thursday.
ROBO SPACE ChatGPT turns to business as popularity wanes
San Francisco (AFP) Aug 28, 2023
OpenAI on Monday said it was launching a business version of ChatGPT as its artificial intelligence sensation grapples with declining usership nine months after its historic debut.
ROBO SPACE System based on light may yield powerful, efficient large language models
Boston MA (SPX) Aug 24, 2023
ChatGPT has made Machine-learning system based on light could yield more powerful, efficient large language modelss around the world with its ability to write essays, email, and computer code based


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DISASTER MANAGEMENT Japan begins release of water from Fukushima nuclear plant
Namie, Japan (AFP) Aug 24, 2023
Japan began releasing wastewater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant on Thursday in an operation it insists is safe but has generated a fierce backlash from China.
SPACEWAR ULA rolls out Atlas V rocket for classified government launch
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 25, 2023
United Launch Alliance rolled out an Atlas V rocket Friday in preparation for next week's planned launch of a classified space surveillance mission from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.
ABOUT US New ancient ape from Turkiye challenges the story of human origins
Toronto, Canada (SPX) Aug 25, 2023
A new fossil ape from an 8.7-million-year-old site in Turkiye is challenging long-accepted ideas of human origins and adding weight to the theory that the ancestors of African apes and humans evolve

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TECH SPACE China's new rules on AI-generated content
Beijing (AFP) Aug 18, 2023
China put into force this week its newest regulations on artificial intelligence-generated content, a watered-downed version of stricter draft rules that seek to keep the country in the AI race while maintaining firm censorship on online content.
ROBO SPACE AI models are powerful, but are they biologically plausible?
Boston MA (SPX) Aug 17, 2023
Artificial neural networks, ubiquitous machine-learning models that can be trained to complete many tasks, are so called because their architecture is inspired by the way biological neurons process
CYBER WARS White House offers prize money for hacker-thwarting AI
Washington (AFP) Aug 9, 2023
The White House on Wednesday launched a competition offering millions of dollars in prize money for creating new artificial intelligence systems that can defend critical software from hackers.
WATER WORLD AI revolutionizes underwater exploration with improved object tracking
Barcelona, Spain (SPX) Jul 31, 2023
Marine scientists are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize underwater exploration, according to a research team from the Institut de Ciencies del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in Barcel

AI likely to augment rather than destroy jobs: UN study

Geneva (AFP) Aug 21, 2023
Artificial Intelligence is more likely to augment jobs than to destroy them, a UN study indicated on Monday, at a time of growing anxiety over the potential impact of the technology. ... more

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