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US accuses Russia, China of covering for North Korea at UN


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US accuses Russia, China of covering for North Korea at UN

by AFP Staff Writers
United Nations, United States (AFP) Aug 25, 2023
The United States on Friday accused China and Russia of blocking a unified UN Security Council response to North Korea's missile launches, including Thursday's attempt by Pyongyang to put a spy satellite in space.

During an emergency Security Council meeting, 13 of the 15 members -- all but Moscow and Beijing -- condemned Pyongyang's second spy satellite test in three months, which used ballistic missile technology.

"This should be an issue that unifies us. ... But since the beginning of 2022, this Council has failed to live up to its commitments because of China and Russia's obstructionism," said US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

"The DPRK's nuclear threat is growing, and Russia and China are not living up to their responsibility to maintain international peace and security," she added, using the initials for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the North's official name.

Thomas-Greenfield also denounced the presence of Russian and Chinese officials at a North Korean military parade last month that showed off new drones and nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missiles.

"They are celebrating -- celebrating -- violations of Security Council resolutions and continuing to block Council action," Thomas-Greenfield said of Moscow and Beijing.

In May 2022, China and Russia vetoed a resolution imposing new sanctions on Pyongyang, and no resolution or declaration by the Security Council on North Korea has been adopted since.

The last unified Security Council action on North Korea took place in 2017.

Chinese and Russian representatives said Washington was to blame for North Korea's aggressive stance, pointing to ongoing US military drills with South Korea.

North Korea has long maintained its nuclear program is pursued in self-defense, and said the same applies to its satellite program.

"Our launch of the reconnaissance satellite is an exercise of the legitimate right to self defense to deter ever-increasing hostile military acts of the United States," said North Korean Ambassador Kim Song, adding that his country has never recognized UN Security Council resolutions on North Korea anyway.

Thomas-Greenfield rejected that position.

"We all know the truth: The DPRK puts its paranoia and selfish interests over the dire needs of the North Korean people," she said.

"The DPRK's war machine is fueled by repression and cruelty," Thomas-Greenfield added. "It's shameful, and it's a grave threat to global peace."

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This article covers the recent United Nations Security Council meeting to address North Koreas recent missile launches, including Thursdays attempt by Pyongyang to put a spy satellite in space. The US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas Greenfield, accused China and Russia of obstructing the Security Councils unified response to North Koreas missile launches, and denounced their presence at a North Korean military parade last month that showed off new drones and nuclear capable intercontinental ballistic missiles. Furthermore, China and Russia vetoed a resolution in May of 2022 to impose new sanctions on Pyongyang, and since then, the Council has failed to adopt any resolution or declaration on North Korea. China and Russia responded to this criticism by pointing to ongoing US military drills with South Korea as a source of North Koreas aggressive behavior.

The article is relevant for defense industry analysts, stock market analysts, and general industry analysts, as it provides insight into the current political climate and its implications for military and economic relations between the US, China, Russia, and North Korea. It is important to note that the last unified Security Council action on North Korea took place in 2017, demonstrating the rising tensions between the countries and the need for further discussion and dialogue. Moreover, the article highlights the potential impacts of North Koreas nuclear weapons and satellite program on international peace and security, making it relevant to all three sectors.

When comparing this articles content to significant events and trends in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years, it is evident that the US has been advocating for stronger measures against North Korea since the early 2000s. This includes the implementation of sanctions and the pursuit of diplomatic talks to limit North Koreas nuclear program. However, this article demonstrates the diminishing effectiveness of these measures, as North Korea continues to pursue its nuclear and satellite program, and China and Russia have blocked unified action from the UN Security Council.



  • 1. What actions have the US, China, and Russia taken to address North Koreas missile launches?

  • 2. What is the potential for further UN Security Council action on North Korea?

  • 3.
What impacts could North Koreas nuclear and satellite programs have on international peace and security?

4. How have the US, China, and Russias military and economic relations been impacted by the recent UN Security Council meeting?

5. What measures can be taken to de-escalate the rising tensions between the US, China, Russia, and North Korea?

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