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Britain, U.S. believe Yevgeny Prigozhin is dead, U.S. disputes missile claim


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Britain, U.S. believe Yevgeny Prigozhin is dead, U.S. disputes missile claim

by Patrick Hilsman
Washington DC (UPI) Aug 25, 2023
The British and American governments both assess that it is "likely" that Wagner Mercenary Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin was killed when his private plane came down over Russia's Tver region Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Russian government has denied any involvement in the death of the once Putin ally.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmirty Peskov denied any Russian government involvement.

"There has been a lot of speculation around this crash, the tragic deaths of the plane's passengers, among them Yevgeny Prigozhin. Of course, the West presents all this speculation from a particular angle. All of that is sheer lies," Peskov said.

The British Ministry of Defense said it is "highly likely" that Prigozhin was killed.

"The Russian authorities claim 10 people on board died, including Wagner owner Yevgeny Prigozhin. There is not yet definitive proof that Prigozhin was onboard, and he is known to exercise exceptional security measures. However, it is highly likely that he is indeed dead," the British Ministry of Defense said in an update.

"The demise of Prigozhin would almost certainly have a deeply destabilizing effect on the Wagner Group. His personal attributes of hyper-activity, exceptional audacity, a drive for results and extreme brutality permeated Wagner and are unlikely to be matched by any successor," the Defense Ministry continued.

Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder said the U.S. believes Prigozhin is dead, but disputed reports of a surface-to-air missile having taken out Prigozhin's jet.

"I'll say right up front, first of all, our initial assessment is that it's likely Prigozhin was killed. We're continuing to assess the situation. We don't have any information to indicate this right now the press reporting stating that there was -- some type of surface-to-air missile that took down the plane that -- we asses that information to be inaccurate," Ryder told a press briefing.

"Again, nothing to indicate -- no information to suggest that there was a surface-to-air missile. But beyond that, I'm really just not going to have any further information," Ryder continued.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:


The article is highly relevant to the defense industry, as it discusses the likely death of a major player in the mercenary field and its potential implications for the industry. The article also contains important information regarding the security measures taken by Prigozhin and the expected impact on the Wagner Group. Comparatively, in the past 25 years, there have been significant changes in the space and defense industry, including the increased privatization of military services, the development of advanced weapons systems, and increased international cooperation in military operations.

Stock Market Analyst:


While the article contains information relevant to the stock market, such as the expected impact on the Wagner Group, the information is limited. Comparatively, over the past 25 years, stock markets have seen rapid growth, significant volatility, and a shift towards a more globalized approach to investments.

General Industry Analyst:


The article is highly relevant to the general industry, as it discusses the likely death of a major player in the mercenary field and its potential implications for the industry. The article also contains important information regarding the security measures taken by Prigozhin and the expected impact on the Wagner Group. Comparatively, in the past 25 years, there have been significant changes in the space and defense industry, including the increased privatization of military services, the development of advanced weapons systems, and increased international cooperation in military operations.




This article discusses the likely death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of the Wagner Mercenary Group, and its potential implications for the defense, stock market, and general industry. It is highly likely that Prigozhin was killed when his plane came down over Russia’s Tver region Wednesday, according to both the British and American governments. This event has the potential to have a destabilizing effect on the Wagner Group, as Prigozhin’s personal attributes of hyper activity, exceptional audacity, a drive for results, and extreme brutality permeated Wagner and are unlikely to be matched by any successor. Comparatively, over the past 25 years, there have been significant changes in the space and defense industry, including the increased privatization of military services, the development of advanced weapons systems, and increased international cooperation in military operations. In the stock market, there has been rapid growth, significant volatility, and a shift towards a more globalized approach to investments.



  • 1. What security measures were taken by Prigozhin and the Wagner Group?

  • 2. How will the Wagner Group be impacted by Prigozhins death?

  • 3.
What is the potential for a successor to Prigozhin to match his personal attributes?

4. How will the other nations in the space and defense industry be impacted by Prigozhins death?

5. What are the potential implications for the stock market and investments, given the death of Prigozhin and the expected impact on the Wagner Group?

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