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Ghana floods displace thousands of people


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Ghana floods displace thousands of people

by AFP Staff Writers
Lagos (AFP) Oct 17, 2023
Flooding after heavy rains in eastern Ghana have forced nearly 26,000 people to leave their homes at the request of the authorities, the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) said Tuesday.

Crops have been destroyed and schools shut after two hydro-electric dams overflowed at Akosombo and Kpong.

"We have moved most of the affected people to a safe haven. About 26,000 mostly women and children have been displaced, NADMO deputy chief Seji Saji told AFP.

"What they need is water, food and medicine and we're working with the government to take care of that."

No deaths had been reported.

Mercy Tamakloe, a 35-year-old food vendor and mother of two, said she lost all her belongings.

"Everything is gone. I don't know how I'll be able to recover but at least I have life," she told AFP by telephone.

Farmer David Fui Banini said the deluge destroyed his four-acre maize farm.

He urged the government to "consider compensating us because this is no fault of ours".

Ghana's navy said thousands of people had been rescued in the Volta Region, bordering Togo, after the surge of water from the dams.

"So far everything is under control and we have rescued more than 8,000 residents across the nine affected districts in the region," said Commodore E.A. Kwafo.

President Nana Akufo-Addo has set up a committee to coordinate ongoing rescue efforts.

Ghana's meteorological service has forecast more rains this year as the West African country experiences a marked increase in the frequency and unpredictability of weather events, amid warnings linked to climate change.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


Heavy rains in eastern Ghana have caused flooding that has displaced nearly 26 000 people and destroyed crops and schools.Economic Impact:

The flooding caused by heavy rains has had an immediate economic impact in eastern Ghana. Crops have been destroyed and schools shut due to overflowing hydroelectric dams. This has caused a loss in agricultural production and prevented children from attending school, both of which can lead to long-term economic consequences. Additionally, the displaced people may require aid from the government, which can take resources from other areas of the economy.Environmental Impact:

The flooding may have caused environmental damage to eastern Ghana. The overflowing dams may have caused soil erosion, water pollution, and destruction of wildlife habitats. The increase in frequency and unpredictability of weather events linked to climate change may increase the risk of future flooding and other environmental disasters.Safety Impact:

The flooding has caused displacement of nearly 26 000 people, but fortunately no deaths have been reported. The government and navy have coordinated rescue efforts to ensure the safety of those affected.Geopolitical and Societal Impact:

The flooding has had a significant impact on the society of eastern Ghana. People have lost their homes and possessions, and farmers have lost their crops. The government has set up a committee to coordinate rescue efforts, and the navy has rescued thousands of people. There may be long-term implications for the society as the people attempt to recover from the disaster.


The flooding in eastern Ghana has had a significant economic, environmental, and safety impact. It has displaced nearly 26 000 people and destroyed crops and schools. The government and navy have coordinated rescue efforts in response to the disaster, but there may be long-term implications for the society as they attempt to recover.

Investigative Questions:

-What other measures can be taken to mitigate the risk of future flooding?-What kind of aid is the government providing to the affected people?-How can the government ensure the long-term safety of those affected by the flooding?

Comparison to Star Trek:

Just like in Star Trek, the flooding in eastern Ghana has caused a significant disruption to peoples lives and posed a challenge to the government to protect its citizens. The government must take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of those affected, just like in Star Trek when the crew of the Enterprise had to save planets in peril.

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