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UN reports 'staggering' $14 bn cost of Ukraine dam breach


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UN reports 'staggering' $14 bn cost of Ukraine dam breach

by AFP Staff Writers
Kyiv, Ukraine (AFP) Oct 17, 2023
The destruction of the Kakhovka dam in southeastern Ukraine in June caused $14 billion worth of damage and losses, a report by the Ukrainian government and the United Nations said Tuesday.

Ukraine accused Russia of blowing up the dam, which crosses the Dnipro river, flooding the surrounding area with landmine-contaminated water and leaving areas upstream without water supply.

Moscow has denied responsibility.

"The stark figures speak for themselves. The destruction of the Kakhovka dam has resulted in a staggering loss and damage," said Christophoros Politis, the United Nation Development Programme's deputy resident representative in Ukraine, at a presentation in Kyiv.

The preliminary figures put the damage and losses at $13.79 billion, taking into account the environmental toll, the loss of power generation, irrigation for farming and housing as well as other factors.

The destruction of the dam "is foreseen to have severe, enduring consequences on Ukraine's environment, economy and society", a post-disaster needs assessment report said.

The report identified the lasting environmental impact as its biggest concern.

"The figures are massive... and add to the economic burden on Ukraine," Politis said.

A joint report by the World Bank, United Nations, European Commission and the Ukrainian government previously estimated the cost of reconstruction and recovery at $411 billion from damage caused during the first year of the war.

"All sectors have been heavily impacted, from health care, water supply facilities to energy and community infrastructure to housing and livelihoods," Politis said.

The UN added that it does not know the extent of damage to Russian-occupied areas of the Kherson region, where the dam was located.

Ukraine's state-owned hydroelectric company Ukrhydroenergo said that it is also not possible to examine the damage to the dam itself.

"No access is available because it is very close to the hostilities," said a company representative, Oleg Ososkov.

Despite the ongoing war, officials said that recovery efforts continue.

"You need to provide water right now for people and there is support going on for that, there is infrastructure building for that," said Ukrainian deputy economy minister Oleksiy Sobolev.

"It is important to highlight and to stress that recovery will take years but it has started today," Politis said.

The UN says it supports rebuilding the dam or installing other renewable energy systems as part of medium-term plans for a green recovery in Ukraine.

"The opportunity is unique... for Ukraine to rethink the future of all that area in a greener, modern, sustainable and climate-friendly way," said Politis.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


A report by the Ukrainian government and the United Nations stated that the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in southeastern Ukraine in June caused $14 billion worth of damage and losses. Ukraine accused Russia of blowing up the dam which flooded the area with landmine contaminated water and resulted in environmental, economic, and societal impacts.

Economic Implications:

The destruction of the dam is estimated to cost $1

  • 3.
  • 79 billion, taking into account the loss of power generation, irrigation for farming, housing, and other factors. The World Bank, United Nations, European Commission, and Ukrainian government previously estimated the cost of reconstruction and recovery at $411 billion from damage caused during the first year of the war. The figures are massive and add to the economic burden on Ukraine.Environmental Implications:

    The report identified the lasting environmental impact as its biggest concern. The destruction of the dam is foreseen to have severe, enduring consequences on Ukraine’s environment.Safety Implications:

    The dam flooding the surrounding area with landmine contaminated water and leaving areas upstream without water supply.Geopolitical and Societal Impacts:

    The destruction of the dam is foreseen to have severe, enduring consequences on Ukraine’s economy and society. All sectors have been heavily impacted, from health care, water supply facilities, energy and community infrastructure, to housing and livelihoods. The UN does not know the extent of damage to Russian occupied areas of the Kherson region.


    and Implications:

    The destruction of the Kakhovka dam in southeastern Ukraine in June caused $14 billion worth of damage and losses, causing environmental, economic, and societal impacts. The figures are massive and add to the economic burden on Ukraine, leading to severe, enduring consequences on Ukraine’s environment, economy, and society.

    Investigative Questions:

      • 1. What is the full extent of the environmental impact of the destruction of the dam?
      • 2. How will the destruction of the dam affect the political relationship between Ukraine and Russia?
      • 3.
      What are the lasting effects of the flooding of the dam on the surrounding area?

      Comparison to Star Trek:

      The destruction of the Kakhovka dam is similar to the destruction of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek:

      Generations, as both events caused massive destruction, leaving their respective areas in disarray.

      This AI report is generated by a sophisticated prompt to a ChatGPT API. Our editors clean text for presentation, but preserve AI thought for our collective observation. Please comment and ask questions about AI use by Spacedaily. We appreciate your support and contribution to better trade news.

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