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Chinese developer Country Garden faces crunch vote on debt repayment


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Chinese developer Country Garden faces crunch vote on debt repayment

by AFP Staff Writers
Beijing (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
Chinese property giant Country Garden faces a crunch vote Thursday in its effort to avoid default, after reporting a record loss and warning it was struggling to stay in business.

One of China's biggest builders, the firm has racked up debts of more than $150 billion and this week reported a record 48.9 billion yuan ($6.7 billion) loss for the first six months of the year.

The group warned Wednesday that it faced a default if its financial performance "continues to deteriorate", adding it "felt deeply remorseful for the unsatisfactory performance".

Bondholders are due to conclude a crunch vote Thursday on whether to extend repayment on a key note worth $535 million.

Creditors have until 10 pm (1400 GMT) to decide on a proposal to postpone this payment, according to Bloomberg.

The vote was originally scheduled to end last Friday, but was delayed at the last minute.

Adding to the complex situation, a group of bondholders are seeking to declare a default on the payment, according to Bloomberg.

If the plan is refused, Country Garden could become the biggest Chinese real estate firm to default since rival Evergrande in 2021.

It also faces a deadline for two separate bond payments at the beginning of September worth a total of $22.5 million.

The company's woes appeared to have not affected traders Thursday, with its shares rising 6.8 percent in Hong Kong.

But Country Garden's cash-flow problems have ignited fears that it could collapse and spread further contagion through China's economy, which is already suffering from record-high youth unemployment and flagging consumption.

The nation's economic rise has been largely founded on property and construction, which account for about a quarter of gross domestic product.

But a years-long government credit crunch and crippling debts among many developers have hit the sector hard.

Country Garden has four times as many projects as Evergrande, whose stalled development led to protests and payment strikes last year.

It has extensive operations in small cities, which host about 60 percent of its projects.

But that is where recent drops in China's property prices have been most pronounced, and where customers have limited purchasing power.

At the end of 2022, Country Garden listed more than 3,000 active construction sites, including around 30 abroad, mainly in Australia, Indonesia and the United States.

Any prolonged suspension of work at the sites could threaten social unrest, as Chinese homeowners often pay for new properties before the building is fully constructed.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

  • Defense Industry Analyst: 8

  • Stock Market Analyst: 8

  • General Industry Analyst: 8




    Country Garden, a Chinese property giant, is facing a crunch vote Thursday in its effort to avoid default. The company has reported a record 48.9 billion yuan ($6.7 billion) loss for the first six months of the year and has racked up debts of more than $150 billion. This vote is on whether to extend repayment on a key note worth $535 million, and if it is refused, Country Garden could become the biggest Chinese real estate firm to default since rival Evergrande in 202

    • 1. The company is also facing two separate bond payments at the beginning of September worth a total of $2
    • 2.5 million. This could have significant implications for the defense industry, as the nations economic rise has been largely founded on property and construction, which account for about a quarter of gross domestic product.

      The defense industry has seen significant changes over the past 25 years, with many governments investing heavily in defense technology and capabilities. This includes the emergence of AI-powered systems, the development of advanced robotics, and the expansion of military space capabilities. While Country Gardens potential default could have significant consequences for the defense sector, it is unlikely to lead to any drastic changes in the near future.



      • 1. What are the potential impacts of a default by Country Garden on the defense industry?

      • 2. How would a default affect the Chinese economy and what steps could be taken to mitigate these impacts?

      • 3.
      What strategies could be employed to ensure Country Gardens long-term financial stability?

      4. Are there any potential risks associated with bondholders seeking to declare a default on the payment?

      5. How could the defense industry prepare for any potential changes resulting from Country Gardens financial difficulties?

      This AI report is generated by a sophisticated prompt to a ChatGPT API. Our editors clean text for presentation, but preserve AI thought for our collective observation. Please comment and ask questions about AI use by Spacedaily. We appreciate your support and contribution to better trade news.

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