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China's Xi to skip G20 summit, EU official says


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China's Xi to skip G20 summit, EU official says

by AFP Staff Writers
Brussels (AFP) Aug 31, 2023
China's President Xi Jinping is not expected to attend the G20 summit in India next week and will send Premier Li Qiang in his stead, a senior EU official said Thursday.

"My last information... was that Xi didn't intend to travel, it would be the prime minister," the official told reporters in Brussels ahead of the September 9-10 summit in New Delhi.

Xi and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held rare face-to-face talks at the BRICS group summit in South Africa last week, but tensions remain high between the Asian giants.

On Tuesday, India issued China a "strong protest" after an official map published by Beijing appeared to lay claim to a large tract of land in the Himalayas over which Delhi claims sovereignty.

European officials hope the G20 summit in New Delhi will be an opportunity to lobby powers like India and China to agree stronger criticism of fellow BRICS member Russia in the wake of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:


This article is highly relevant to defense industry analysts, as it discusses the geopolitical tensions between China and India, two of the worlds largest militaries. Additionally, it highlights the European Unions attempts to influence BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) members to increase pressure on Moscow in light of its invasion of Ukraine. This article provides insight into the political climate between these countries and the potential implications of their actions on international security.

Stock Market Analyst:


This article is moderately relevant to stock market analysts, as it provides insight into the potential geopolitical implications of China and Indias relationship. Any changes in their relationship, or the European Unions attempts to pressure Russia, may have an effect on global markets. Further, any sanctions or military responses may significantly impact the stock market, and investors will want to keep an eye on the situation.

General Industry Analyst:


This article is only marginally relevant to general industry analysts, as it focuses primarily on the geopolitical tensions between China and India. While it provides insight into the potential implications of these tensions, it does not provide much information about the economic or industry-specific impacts of these tensions.




This article discusses the potential geopolitical implications of Chinas President Xi Jinping not attending the G20 summit in India, and Indias "strong protest" after an official map published by Beijing appeared to lay claim to a large tract of land in the Himalayas. Additionally, it highlights the European Unions attempts to pressure BRICS members to increase criticism of Russia in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine. This article is highly relevant to defense industry analysts, as it provides insight into the political climate between these countries and the potential implications of their actions on international security.

It is also moderately relevant to stock market analysts, as any changes in the relationship between China and India, or the European Unions attempts to pressure Russia, may have an effect on global markets. However, it is only marginally relevant to general industry analysts, as it does not provide much information about the economic or industry-specific impacts of these tensions.

In the past 25 years, the space and defense industry has seen dramatic shifts in the geopolitical landscape. The end of the Cold War in the early 1990s resulted in the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the emergence of Russia as an independent nation with a powerful military. Since then, China has become an increasingly important player in international relations, and tensions between it and other countries, especially India, have been growing in recent years. This article reflects these trends, as it highlights the tensions between China and India, as well as the European Unions attempts to pressure Russia.



  • 1. What are the implications of Chinese President Xi Jinpings absence from the G20 summit for the relationship between China and India?

  • 2. How has the European Unions attempts to pressure Russia changed over the past 25 years?

  • 3.
What are the potential economic impacts of any increased tensions between China and India?

4. How have China and Indias respective militaries changed in the past 25 years and how have these changes affected their relationship?

5. What measures can be taken by the international community to de-escalate the tensions between China and India?

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