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West has failed to isolate Iran, says president


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West has failed to isolate Iran, says president

by AFP Staff Writers
Tehran (AFP) Aug 29, 2023
Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi said on Tuesday that the West had failed to isolate his country, while also holding out the prospect of resuming talks on reviving a nuclear deal.

"The enemy tried to follow two strategies: one was to isolate Iran from the world and the other was to discourage the Iranian nation," Raisi said.

"It failed with both strategies. It didn't succeed in isolating Iran," he told a news conference in Tehran.

Raisi was referring to sanctions imposed on Iran since the United States torpedoed the nuclear deal in 2018, as well as protests that erupted in September 2022 over a young woman's death in custody.

The ultraconservative president said Iran was continuing to seek "the lifting of sanctions" through negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear accord.

But he added "we are not tying the country's economy to the wishes" of Western countries.

Tensions between Tehran and Washington eased this month with the announcement of an agreement for Iran to release five American prisoners in exchange for the return of $6 billion in Iranian funds frozen in South Korea.

But the delicate agreement does not include the possibility of a return to the nuclear deal in the run-up to the 2024 US presidential election.

Raisi highlighted diplomatic successes, including rapprochement with Arab countries like Saudi Arabia along with its membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and invitation to join the BRICS grouping.

Such alliances with emerging countries "represent a good opportunity to counter American unilateralism", he said, adding his government was working "to reduce the influence of the dollar" on Iran's economy.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:


The article provides insight into the Iranian government’s position on the West’s sanctions and attempts to isolate the country. It also outlines the country’s diplomatic successes and efforts to reduce the influence of the dollar on its economy. This is important information for defense industry analysts, as it provides insight into the current geopolitical dynamics and the potential for Iran to strengthen its regional alliances, which could have a significant impact on the defense industry.

Stock Market Analyst:


This article is less relevant for stock market analysts, as it does not provide much detail on the economic implications of the diplomatic successes outlined in the article or how it could affect the stock market. However, it does provide insight into the Iranian government’s position on the West’s attempts to isolate the country, which could impact the stock market in the long run.

General Industry Analyst:


This article is relevant for general industry analysts as it provides an overview of the Iranian government’s position on the West’s sanctions and attempts to isolate the country. It also outlines the country’s diplomatic successes and efforts to reduce the influence of the dollar on its economy, which could have a significant impact on the general industry.




Irans President Ebrahim Raisi said on Tuesday that the West had failed to isolate his country while also holding out the prospect of resuming talks on reviving a nuclear deal. He added that the Iranian government was continuing to seek the lifting of sanctions through negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear accord. Raisi also highlighted diplomatic successes, including rapprochement with Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, along with its membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and invitation to join the BRICS grouping. These diplomatic successes could have a significant impact on the defense and general industries, as they could strengthen Irans regional alliances and reduce the influence of the dollar on its economy. Since the implementation of sanctions in 2018, Iran has continued to pursue diplomatic avenues to counter the effects of the sanctions, and this article provides insight into the countrys efforts to reduce the influence of the West.



  • 1. What specific diplomatic successes has Iran achieved over the past 25 years that have had an impact on the defense and general industries?

  • 2. How have the sanctions imposed on Iran since 2018 affected the countrys economy and industry?

  • 3.
How could the rapprochement between Iran and Arab countries like Saudi Arabia strengthen Irans regional alliances?

4. What other strategies has the Iranian government employed to reduce the influence of the dollar on its economy?

5. What impact could the delicate agreement between Iran and the US have on the possibility of a return to the nuclear deal in the run up to the 2024 presidential election?

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