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US accuses Chinese companies of evading solar panel tariffs


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US accuses Chinese companies of evading solar panel tariffs

by AFP Staff Writers
Washington (AFP) Aug 18, 2023
Several Chinese manufacturers of solar panels have been shipping their products through third countries including Thailand and Vietnam to circumvent US tariffs, the Commerce Department announced Friday.

"Commerce found that five companies were attempting to avoid the payment of US duties by completing minor processing in third countries," the Commerce Department said in a statement.

It named the companies as BYD Hong Kong, New East Solar, Canadian Solar, Trina Solar and Vina Solar.

In 2022, the White House suspended tariffs for two years on solar panel imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam -- but not China -- in order to ensure the United States has access to the relevant parts to build up its domestic solar industry.

On Friday, the Commerce Department announced that "certain unexamined companies" were also found to be circumventing the White House order, and that three firms initially suspected of engaging in the practice were found not to be doing so.

The Commerce Department said its move "does not constitute a ban on imports" from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, adding that the companies identified could still follow a process to certify that they were not circumventing the order.

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: The US Commerce Department announced Friday that several Chinese manufacturers of solar panels were shipping their products through third countries including Thailand and Vietnam in order to avoid US tariffs. The five companies identified were BYD Hong Kong, New East Solar, Canadian Solar, Trina Solar and Vina Solar. In 2022, the White House suspended tariffs for two years on solar panel imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, but not China, in order to ensure the United States has access to the relevant parts to build up its domestic solar industry. However, the Commerce Department found that some companies were attempting to circumvent the White House order. The Commerce Department’s move does not constitute a ban on imports from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, and the companies identified can still follow a process to certify that they are not circumventing the order. The US tariffs on solar panel imports are part of a larger trend of trade protectionism that has been occurring over the past 25 years, as the US and other countries have become more aggressive in seeking to protect their domestic industries. In addition, the US has been increasingly focused on ensuring that solar panel imports from China are adequately taxed in order to protect the domestic solar industry. This article further highlights the importance of trade protectionism and the US’s commitment to ensuring that its domestic solar industry is not taken advantage of. Investigative


  • 1. What are the potential impacts of the US’s tariffs on solar panel imports on both US and Chinese domestic solar industries?

  • 2. What other methods are Chinese companies using to circumvent US tariffs on solar panel imports?

  • 3.
What are the implications of the Commerce Department’s move for the solar panel industry in Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam?

4. How have trade protectionism policies in the US and other countries evolved over the past 25 years?

5. What other measures can the US take to protect its domestic solar industry from unfair competition?

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