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UN finishes removing oil from decaying Yemen tanker


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UN finishes removing oil from decaying Yemen tanker

By Amal Mohammed with Robbie Corey-Boulet in Riyadh
Hodeida, Yemen (AFP) Aug 11, 2023
The United Nations said Friday it had successfully transferred more than one million barrels of oil from a dilapidated Yemeni tanker, removing the imminent risk of a spill.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres "welcomes the news that the ship-to-ship transfer of oil from the FSO Safer to the Yemen replacement vessel has been safely concluded today, avoiding what could have been a monumental environmental and humanitarian catastrophe," a statement said.

The milestone means that "the core aspect" of a years-long effort to address the threat posed by the Safer, often referred to as a "ticking time bomb", is now finished, said UN Development Programme head Achim Steiner.

"That removes the imminent and immediate threat that had become the focus of attention across the whole world: a tanker that could break apart or explode in the Red Sea," Steiner told AFP.

Yemeni doctor Main Ahmed, 49, told AFP Friday's news was like "a weight lifted off our shoulders" for residents of the port city of Hodeida.

"I was always thinking about the risks of just going for a walk, especially since I live near the coast," he said.

Yet the saga is not over.

The UN has previously warned that even with its cargo removed, the Safer "will pose a residual environmental threat, holding viscous oil residue and remaining at risk of breaking apart".

The project's next phase, stripping and cleaning the Safer's tanks and preparing it for towing and scrapping, is expected to take "anywhere between two to three weeks", Steiner said.

The Safer, a floating storage and offloading facility, has been moored around 50 kilometres (30 miles) from Hodeida since the 1980s.

It has not been serviced since war broke out more than eight years ago between Yemen's Huthi rebels, who control the capital Sanaa and the waters where the Safer is positioned, and a Saudi-led coalition backing the internationally recognised government based in the southern port city of Aden.

The ageing vessel, with its corroding hull, was carrying 1.14 million barrels of Marib light crude, four times as much oil as was spilled in the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster off Alaska.

- 'Absence of accountability' -

Now its oil has been pumped to a new, smaller tanker known as the Yemen that the UN purchased in March.

As the operation began on July 25, experts warned that success was far from certain given scorching summer temperatures, ageing pipes and naval mines lurking in surrounding waters.

The UN had even arranged for a plane to be on standby "within a 90-minute flight radius" so it could "deploy chemicals from the air" in response to a spill, Steiner said.

All told, the UN has priced the operation at $143 million, a fraction of the estimated $20 billion clean-up costs in the event of a spill, to say nothing of billions lost to shipping disruptions through the Bab al-Mandab strait to the Suez Canal.

The UN is still roughly $20 million short, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged the international community and the private sector Friday to step up with funds needed to "finish the job and address all remaining environmental threats".

Greenpeace said oil giants that previously used the Safer "and are the likely owners of some of the transferred oil" needed to contribute to the project's next stages.

"It is imperative to address the absence of accountability exhibited by the oil industry that has recorded stag gering profits, but hasn't yet shown any sense of responsibility," a Greenpeace statement said.

- Next steps unclear -

Officials are still trying to sort out where the oil might go next.

A long-term agreement between Yemen's warring parties on "future maintenance and management" is needed, Steiner said.

One possibility is a follow-up project in which UN experts would train staff of the Yemeni oil and gas company SEPOC in "how to safeguard the vessel", he said.

However authorities in Sanaa and Aden have appointed rival executive general managers of SEPOC, underscoring how Yemen's conflict could continue to pose complications.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died in the fighting or from indirect causes such as lack of food or water, in what the UN calls one of the world's worst humanitarian crises.

Clashes between the Iran-backed Huthis and the Saudi-led coalition have reduced sharply since a UN-brokered truce began in April last year, even though it lapsed in October.

David Gressly, the UN resident coordinator in Yemen, said on Friday that while the Safer crisis was separate from talks on ending the war, the fact that opposing factions cooperated on the oil transfer "does create a bit of hope that there is a way forward".

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:

A defense industry analyst might find this article relevant since it speaks to the importance of safety in the defense and space industry. The article highlights the potential risks associated with a dilapidated Yemeni tanker and the successful efforts of the United Nations to remove its oil, thus avoiding a potential environmental and humanitarian catastrophe. This is an important example of the need for safety and risk management in the defense and space industry, as well as the importance of international collaboration to help avert disasters. The primary audience for this type of analyst would be defense and space industry professionals, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

Stock Market Analyst:

A stock market analyst might not find this article highly relevant as it does not directly address the stock market or any related stocks. However, they might be interested in the implications of the article for the defense and space industry, as well as the potential for international collaboration to help avert a disaster. The primary audience for this type of analyst would be investors and stock market professionals.

General Industry Analyst:

A general industry analyst might find this article relevant as it speaks to the potential risks of a decaying tanker and the successful efforts of the United Nations to remove its oil. This is an important example of safety and risk management in the industry, as well as the importance of international collaboration to help avert a disaster. The primary audience for this type of analyst would be general industry professionals, policymakers, and other stakeholders.



: The United Nations successfully transferred over one million barrels of oil from a dilapidated Yemeni tanker, removing the imminent risk of a spill. This milestone marks the successful conclusion of a years-long effort to address the threat posed by the tanker, often referred to as a “ticking time bomb”, and it has been welcomed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN Development Programme head Achim Steiner. The project was an important example of the need for safety and risk management in the defense and space industry, as well as the importance of international collaboration to help avert a disaster. While the core aspect of the project is now finished, the UN has warned that the tanker will still pose a residual environmental threat and will need to be stripped, cleaned, and prepared for towing and scrapping. Comparing this articles content with significant events and trends in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years, it is apparent that the successful transfer of oil from the Yemeni tanker is indicative of the increased focus on safety and risk management in the defense and space industry. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on understanding and mitigating the potential risks associated with space and defense projects, as well as an increased focus on international collaboration to help avert disasters. Investigative


  • 1. What are the potential long-term environmental impacts of the Yemeni tanker?

  • 2. What other lessons can be learned from this project about safety and risk management in the defense and space industry?

  • 3.
What other initiatives are being taken to address similar threats in other parts of the world?

4. What are the potential economic impacts of this project?

5. What are the potential benefits of international collaboration in averting similar disasters in the future?

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