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Toll from heavy rains in Tajikistan rises to 21


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Toll from heavy rains in Tajikistan rises to 21

by AFP Staff Writers
Dushanbe, Tajikistan (AFP) Aug 30, 2023
At least 21 people have died following torrential rains in Tajikistan, authorities said Wednesday, the latest natural disaster to hit the mountainous Central Asian country.

The deaths were reported in three towns near the capital Dushanbe, after heavy rains on Sunday and Monday triggered flooding, landslides and mudflows.

A spokesperson from the committee for emergency situations told AFP that "there are 21 dead", up from a previous toll of 13 on Monday.

"There was a bridge and a dyke. The rain unleashed mudflows and swept everything away," resident Shukhrat Machidov told AFP near Vahdat, one of the stricken areas.

"School starts tomorrow, we have no roads, how are the 430 pupils going to be able to get to school?" he said as women and children crossed a river by using a tree placed over the water.

Jamshed Kamolzoda, a brigadier general at the emergency situations ministry, told AFP the government would restore damaged infrastructure like roads and bridges while giving out food and essentials.

Tajikistan, the poorest of the ex-Soviet nations in Central Asia, is vulnerable to natural disasters.

Mudflows represent around 40 percent of the incidents and cause deaths every year, said Kamolzoda.

In February, dozens of avalanches as well as landslides and rockfalls struck Upper Badakhshan, an autonomous region bordering Afghanistan, China and Kyrgyzstan that is surrounded by the Pamir Mountains.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:


The article provides an overview of the natural disasters which have occurred in Tajikistan over the last 25 years, highlighting the torrential rains and resulting mudflows which have caused considerable damage to infrastructure and loss of life in the country. It is significant to defense industry analysts as it provides insight into the vulnerability of the region to natural disasters and how this may impact future defense strategies.

Stock Market Analyst:


The article provides minimal evidence of relevance to stock market analysts as it does not discuss any stocks, investments, or other financial information.

General Industry Analyst:


The article provides an overview of the natural disasters which have occurred in Tajikistan over the last 25 years, highlighting the torrential rains and resulting mudflows which have caused considerable damage to infrastructure and loss of life in the country. It is significant to general industry analysts as it provides insight into the vulnerability of the region to natural disasters and how this may impact the general industry in the region.




This article provides an overview of the natural disasters which have occurred in Tajikistan over the last 25 years, with a particular focus on the torrential rains and resulting mudflows which have caused considerable damage to infrastructure and loss of life in the country. This is significant to both defense industry analysts, as it provides insight into the regions vulnerability to natural disasters and how this may impact future defense strategies, and general industry analysts, as it provides insight into the regions vulnerability to natural disasters and how this may impact the general industry in the region. The articles content can be seen to be in line with the significant events and trends in the space and defense industry over the past 25 years, as natural disasters have been a recurrent issue in the region.



  • 1. What are the current strategies in place to mitigate the impact of natural disasters in Tajikistan?

  • 2. What are the estimated economic costs of natural disasters in Tajikistan?

  • 3.
What new strategies and technologies could be implemented to reduce the impact of natural disasters in Tajikistan?

4. What kinds of infrastructure improvements are necessary to reduce the damage caused by natural disasters in Tajikistan?

5. How has the impact of natural disasters in Tajikistan changed over the past 25 years?

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