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Three killed in Russian strikes on Ukraine


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Three killed in Russian strikes on Ukraine

by AFP Staff Writers
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine (AFP) Oct 18, 2023
Russian overnight strikes on Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions killed at least three people on Wednesday morning, Ukrainian officials said.

Two were killed in a missile strike that hit a residential building in the southeastern city of Zaporizhzhia, the local governor said, and a 31-year-old woman was killed in a strike on a town just outside the city of Dnipro, Ukraine's internal affairs minister Igor Klymenko said.

Zaporizhzhia governor Yuriy Malashko said Russia "launched six missile attacks on Zaporizhzhia city" between 1:33 am and 1:48 am (2233 and 2248 GMT Tuesday).

"I am at the scene where the S-300 missile hit a residential building. As of now, we have confirmation of two dead, three wounded who were taken to medical facilities and two wounded who were treated on the spot. Three people are considered missing," Malashko said in an interview with a Ukrainian TV station.

Emergency services said the strike in Zaporizhzhia destroyed the building's third to fifth floors. Photos showed a crater in the upper floors and a collapsed facade.

"The apartment was badly damaged. The part facing the street is not there at all. There are two rooms on the other side and there is nothing left at all," 41-year-old Tetyana, who owns a third-floor flat in the building and was not home at the time of the strike, told AFP.

Residents said they were worried for the fate of at least one more couple who lived on the fifth floor.

Governor Malashko said three people were still missing.

In Dnipropetrovsk, interior minister Klymenko said a 31-year-old woman was killed and four were injured in an attack that destroyed eight buildings.

"Russia once again struck the civilian population," he said in a post on Telegram.

There was no information on what weapon was used.

Wednesday's attacks come a day after Ukraine announced that it had used US long-range ATACMS missiles against Russia for the first time, without providing further details, while Kyiv's special forces claimed responsibility for destructive strikes on airfields in Russian-held territory.

Separately, Russia's defence ministry said on Wednesday it had intercepted 28 Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea and Russia's Kursk and Belgorod regions.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


On Wednesday morning, Russian overnight strikes on Ukraines Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions killed at least three people. Two were killed in a missile strike that hit a residential building and a third was killed in a strike on a town outside the city of Dnipro. Eight buildings were also destroyed.Economic, Environmental, and Safety Implications:

The immediate economic implications of the strikes are difficult to determine, as the full extent of the damage done by the strikes is not yet known. In the long term, the economic impact could be significant, as the destruction of buildings, infrastructure, and human life will likely lead to a decrease in productivity and an increase in spending on rebuilding. Environmental damage is also likely, though the extent is also unknown. The safety implications are clear, as the strikes have already led to three deaths and four injuries.Geopolitical and Societal Impacts:

The strikes are likely to increase tension between Russia and Ukraine, as the two countries have been in a long-standing conflict. The strikes are also likely to have a negative impact on the relations between Russia and other countries in the region, as well as on the global community. Societally, the strikes are likely to result in an increase in fear and mistrust among the Ukrainian people, as well as a decrease in support for the Ukrainian government.


and Implications:

The Russian overnight strikes on Ukraines Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions have caused immediate economic, environmental, and safety implications, as well as geopolitical and societal impacts. The economic implications are difficult to determine, but could be significant in the long term. The geopolitical and societal implications are likely to increase tension between Russia and other countries in the region, as well as lead to an increase in fear and mistrust among the Ukrainian people.

Investigative Questions:

-What weapons were used in the strikes?-What is the extent of the economic, environmental, and safety damage caused by the strikes?-How will the strikes affect the relations between Russia and other countries in the region?-How will the strikes affect the support for the Ukrainian government?Comparison to a Star Trek TV or Movie:

The Russian overnight strikes on Ukraine can be compared to the Borgs invasion of the Federation in the Star Trek:

First Contact movie. Just as the Borgs attack caused immediate destruction and had the potential to cause long-term damage, the Russian strikes have the potential to cause long-term economic, environmental, and safety damage. Both events also had geopolitical and societal implications, as they both resulted in an increase in tension and mistrust.

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