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Taiwan transforms Matsu wartime strongholds into 'island museum'


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Taiwan transforms Matsu wartime strongholds into 'island museum'

Matsu, Taiwan (AFP) Oct 31, 2023
A former military power plant on Taiwan's tiny Matsu archipelago is bathed in an ominous crimson light -- an art installation reminding visitors of the ever-present threat of a Chinese invasion.

The exhibit entitled "Your Country Needs You: Glory of 'Jun Hun'" -- which means "military spirit" -- is part of the Matsu Biennial which runs until mid-November.

Some of the works displayed across Matsu -- a chain of rocky islands located 20 minutes by boat from China's eastern coast -- focus on its natural beauty.

But there were also artists, like light designer Liu Ping-yi and his partner Annie Chu, who chose to capitalise on the outlying islands' wartime history.

"We wanted to use light to let the visitors return to a period in the past and understand how the soldiers and civilians lived on the island then," said Liu, who collaborated with a sound artist on the power plant installation.

"I hope they can imagine what Matsu was like during wartime."

The Matsu islands were key military strongholds for the nationalist forces after they fled China in 1949 following defeat in the Chinese civil war.

Sporadically shelled by China, the nationalists ramped up Matsu's fortifications, constructing underground tunnels and air raid shelters while coastal outposts had narrow openings so that soldiers could fire in the direction of the mainland.

Today, many of these military structures are abandoned, though some of the tunnels have been restored and are open to the public.

For the biennial, an air raid shelter now carries soundtracks of the past, while a former military performance hall showcases cut-out Chinese characters strung together -- taken from letters sent to servicemen and residents on the islands.

A whale-shaped wire structure is erected on a beach, fashioned out of old Matsu ships with navy vessel accents.

Now, "Matsu is a tourism-oriented county", said magistrate Wang Chung-ming, who takes issue with his home being labelled as a "frontline island".

"Matsu needs to move towards the concept of an island museum," he said.

- 'Don't attack Matsu' -

The outlying islands are located just northwest of the Taiwan Strait, a 180-kilometre (110-mile) wide waterway and key shipping route that separates China from Taiwan's main island.

Beijing -- which claims Taiwan as its territory, to be taken by force one day -- has held massive military exercises around it in the past year, including one in April that saw warplanes and naval vessels simulate encirclement of the island.

For the residents of Matsu, which was the closest Taiwanese territory to April's drills, life often goes on without skipping a beat in the face of such war games.

Artist Chao Kai-chih, who helped curate the biennial's installations, said local residents are "not scared of verbal threats by China".

"Come if you have the guts," he joked -- before quickly switching course and quipping that if China were to invade, "you can attack a bit further -- attack Taiwan, don't attack Matsu".

Growing up in Matsu under the military administration had many restrictions, said Chao, 66, describing a 9:00 pm curfew and not being allowed on the island's beaches.

"We want peace, we don't want war and what we can do is to turn Matsu into an art island," Chao said.

The magistrate's hope is that the biennial will bring the islands some much-needed tourism dollars, as the three-year border restrictions due to the pandemic have me ant a loss in visitors and income.

"Now we have to slowly restart the negotiation process from the perspective of tourism and cargo goods," Wang said.

"Politically, we must follow Taiwan, but economically Matsu must integrate with the mainland."

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


The article focuses on an art installation at a former military power plant in Taiwans Matsu archipelago, which is intended to remind visitors of the ever-present threat of a Chinese invasion. Other works at the Matsu Biennial focus on natural beauty, while some, like the power plant installation, use light and sound to evoke a sense of the islands wartime history. The Matsu islands were fortified by the Nationalists after they fled China in 1949, with many of these fortifications now abandoned and open to the public.Economic, Environmental, and Safety Implications:

The Matsu Biennial is likely to draw more tourists to the island, which could have a positive economic impact on the local economy. The art installations may also provide an opportunity to educate visitors about the islands history and wartime fortifications, which could lead to a greater appreciation for the environment. The former military power plant and other installations could also have safety implications, as visitors may interact with the installations in ways that werent anticipated.Geopolitical and Societal Impacts:

The installation of the art exhibit may be seen as a political statement, as it is intended to remind visitors of the ever-present threat of a Chinese invasion. This could lead to a heightened geopolitical tension between Taiwan and China, and may also increase tensions within Taiwanese society. The installation of the art exhibit may also lead to a greater appreciation for the islands history and culture, which could bring about a greater sense of unity and pride amongst Taiwanese citizens.


The Matsu Biennial is an art exhibit that is intended to evoke a sense of the islands history and remind visitors of the ever-present threat of a Chinese invasion. The exhibit has the potential to have positive economic, environmental, and cultural impacts on the island, but could also lead to increased geopolitical tensions between Taiwan and China.

Investigative Questions:

-What other art installations are part of the Matsu Biennial?-What other economic, environmental, and safety implications could arise from the installation of the art exhibit?-What measures are being taken to ensure the safety of visitors to the Matsu Biennial?-What has been the reaction of the Chinese government to the art exhibit?

Comparison to Star Trek:

The art installation at the Matsu Biennial is reminiscent of the Terralysium installation in Star Trek:

Discovery, which was an interactive exhibit that sought to educate visitors about the history and culture of the planet. Similarly, the Matsu Biennial is an interactive exhibit that seeks to provide visitors with a sense of the islands history and culture, as well as a reminder of the ever-present threat of a Chinese invasion.

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