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Statement read by Gabon officer announcing 'end of regime'


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Statement read by Gabon officer announcing 'end of regime'

by AFP Staff Writers
Libreville (AFP) Aug 30, 2023
A group of Gabonese officers and soldiers appeared on television Wednesday announcing they were "putting an end to the regime" and cancelling the results of a recent election.

Here is a translation from French of the statement, which was read out by one of the officers on Gabon 24 television channel:

"Our beautiful country, Gabon, has always been a haven of peace.

"Today, the country is going through a serious institutional, political, economic and social crisis.

"We are therefore forced to admit that the organisation of the general elections of 26 August 2023 did not meet the conditions for a transparent, credible and inclusive ballot so much hoped for by the people of Gabon.

"Added to this is irresponsible and unpredictable governance, resulting in a continuing deterioration in social cohesion, with the risk of leading the country into chaos.

"Today, 30 August 2023, we -- the defence and security forces, gathered as the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) on behalf of the people of Gabon and as guarantors of the institutions' protection -- have decided to defend peace by putting an end to the current regime.

"To this end, the general elections of 26 August 2023 and the truncated results are cancelled.

"The borders are closed until further notice.

"All the institutions of the Republic are dissolved: the government, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council and the Gabonese Elections Centre.

"We call for calm and serenity from the public, the communities of sister countries settled in Gabon, and the Gabonese diaspora.

"We reaffirm our commitment to respecting Gabon's commitments to the national and international community.

"People of Gabon, we are finally on the road to happiness.

"May God and the spirits of our ancestors bless Gabon. Honour and loyalty to our homeland.

"Thank you."

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Litany Layer:

The statement describes a situation of crisis in Gabon, with a lack of transparency and credibility in the recently held elections, irresponsible and unpredictable governance leading to a deterioration in social cohesion, and the potential for chaos. It calls for calm and serenity from the public, those living in Gabon, and the diaspora, and for the defence and security forces to put an end to the current regime.

Myth/Metaphor Layer:

The statement speaks of the road to happiness that the people of Gabon are finally on, suggesting that the end of the regime is a positive step that will bring prosperity and security for the people. It also speaks of Gabon as a haven of peace, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the country.

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