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Satnav test on remote island lab

A team from ESA joined Jammertest 2023, a campaign organised by Norwegian authorities to assess the impact of jamming and spoofing on satellite navigation systems. It was held on the island of Andoya, Norway, a remote area where the organisers can interfere with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal in a controlled environment.

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Satnav test on remote island lab

by Staff Writers
Paris (ESA) Oct 18, 2023
ESA's navigation testbed vehicle participated in a campaign organised by Norwegian governmental authorities to assess the impact of jamming and spoofing on satnav systems and test innovative technologies for detection and mitigation.

Satellite navigation has become indispensable in our daily lives and is used in a myriad of applications, from guiding aircraft and driverless cars to monitoring water supplies and responding to emergencies. But satnav systems are potentially vulnerable to jamming and spoofing as their signal power on the ground is weak and most of their specifications are publicly available.

From 18 to 22 September, a team from ESA joined one of the world's largest jamming testing campaigns, Norway's Jammertest, together with dozens of participants from governmental agencies, industry and academia. An ESA telecommunications and navigation testbed vehicle usually based at ESTEC, in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, was driven to Norway for its first mission beyond Dutch borders.

The jamming testing campaign was organised by the Norwegian Communications Authority, the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and Norwegian Metrology Service and backed by the Norwegian Space Agency. The island of Andoya, a remote area in the north of Norway, was turned into a temporary outdoor laboratory where the organisers interfered with the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal in a controlled environment.

ESA's testbed vehicle had been upgraded for this adventure: it was equipped with a variety of satnav receivers, antennas that ranged from the most sophisticated to mass market grade, interference monitoring equipment, antijamming antennas and other interference mitigation systems, and an inertial navigation system that served as the 'source of truth', an independent relative positioning reference to compare readings from the receivers to the actual position of the vehicle. In addition to this, the van also carried an electronic support system and special batteries to power its instruments, as well as plenty of radiofrequency equipment and battery back-ups.

The equipment allowed ESTEC navigation engineers to test the performance of satnav systems and their resilience against jamming, but also spoofing - the sending of fake signals to mislead users about their location - as well as 'meaconing', where signals are intercepted and rebroadcast in a misleading way. The team evaluated the capabilities of monitoring and mitigation systems too.

The testing site was already a challenging location for satnav systems: the high latitude means that fewer satellites are visible in the local sky compared to further south, and potential ionospheric activity linked to the northern latitudes can also interfere with signals.

Experimenting with European innovation
Among the equipment that was tested were devices developed in the framework of ESA's Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP), that focuses on devising novel positioning, navigation and timing technologies and services to boost Member State industrial competitiveness and innovation.

The team deployed a portable compact Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) detection system developed by SINTEF as part of the project ARFIDAAS: Advanced RFI Detection, Alerting and Analysis System. This device can record, analyse and classify interfering signals as soon as they are detected. ARFIDAAS was used to scan the electromagnetic environment before the start of each testing session to detect signal interferences unrelated to the campaign and derive an interference-free baseline.

The E SA team also tested a NAVISP-funded demonstrator receiver developed by FocalPoint. This device uses their patented technology Supercorrelation, which improves GNSS accuracy, sensitivity and integrity, increasing resilience to jamming attacks as well as allowing sky scanning and detecting spoofed signals.

NAVISP Industry Days, taking place on 7 and 8 November at ESTEC, will feature two presentations about Jammertest where participants will be able to learn more about the event and the team's experience in Andoya, including how they overcame challenges such as winds of up to 100 km/h and a flock of wild sheep interrupting a convoy mid-test.

Galileo holds strong
The Galileo system undergoes extensive testing in controlled indoor laboratory environments with the use of simulation equipment. Outdoor testing campaigns like Jammertest provide a unique opportunity for ESA, as the Galileo System Design Authority, to complement lab tests in real outdoor environments and feed the continuous improvement cycle that keeps the system protected against vulnerabilities.

"With this test we are closing the loop: we have been able to test the performance of different GNSS receivers and we can now provide feedback to ESA's Galileo system design team" says Radio Navigation Engineer Xurxo Otero Villamide.

Five days of testing produced terabytes of data that were recorded and stored. Engineers will now be able to replay the results and study them at ESTEC. Ground and User Segment Engineer Luciano Musumeci adds: "The primary campaign objective was to collect an extensive database for future exploitation, to support internal R and D activities for example. This has been successfully accomplished: we can use these data for years to come." analysis

Relevance Scores

1. Space and Defense Industry Analyst: 9/10
2. Stock and Finance Market Analyst: 7/10
3. Government Policy Analyst: 8/10


Analyst Summary

Space and Defense Industry Analyst: The article outlines a crucial and timely event, the "Jammertest," conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA) in conjunction with Norwegian agencies to assess vulnerabilities in satellite navigation systems (GNSS). Given the indispensability of these systems for military, aviation, and civilian infrastructure, the test is of paramount importance. Notably, the testbed vehicle from ESA used an array of navigation and communication technologies, including innovations like ARFIDAAS and FocalPoint's Supercorrelation. This kind of rigorous, real-world testing and development is key for future competitiveness in the global space and defense market.

Stock and Finance Market Analyst: The article introduces technologies under the ESA's Navigation Innovation and Support Programme (NAVISP), such as ARFIDAAS and FocalPoint's Supercorrelation. Investors would do well to pay attention to companies involved in this programme, as they are likely to benefit from enhanced credibility and potential future contracts. Additionally, the emphasis on data collection for "future exploitation" suggests long-term value creation, making related stocks more attractive for long-term investment.

Government Policy Analyst: From a policy perspective, this testing campaign demonstrates a commitment to public safety, national security, and technological leadership. Governmental bodies should take note of the collaborative model of the e vent, which involved both national and transnational organizations, academia, and industry. Such synergies can serve as a blueprint for future regulatory frameworks. The event also underscores the need for governments to invest in strengthening satellite infrastructure against emerging threats like jamming and spoofing.

Comparative Analysis: Over the past 25 years, the space and defense industry has transitioned from largely isolated, nationally funded programs to more collaborative, commercialized endeavors. The kind of public-private-academic partnership seen in Jammertest correlates with this broader trend. However, the focus on "resilience against jamming" is a newer area of focus, growing significantly over the past decade due to increasing geopolitical tensions and cyber threats.


Investigative Questions

1. How did the technologies tested during the Jammertest campaign, such as ARFIDAAS and FocalPoint's Supercorrelation, perform in terms of reliability and efficacy compared to existing systems?

2. What are the projected economic impacts on the companies involved in developing these technologies, and are they considered to be market leaders or emerging challengers?

3. How does the involvement of multiple governmental agencies from Norway and the ESA affect the speed and efficiency of adopting new technologies and regulations?

4. Are there ongoing or planned collaborations between other countries or international bodies to mitigate satellite navigation vulnerabilities?

5. Given the data collected, what are the specific plans for R and D activities in ESA, and how might this influence future European defense and space policies?

By addressing these questions, analysts can gain a comprehensive understanding of the significance and long-term implications of this groundbreaking testing campaign.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


The European Space Agency (ESA) joined with governmental agencies, industry, and academia to participate in a jamming testing campaign on the remote island of Andoya, Norway. The campaign was organised by the Norwegian Communications Authority, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, and Norwegian Metrology Service and backed by the Norwegian Space Agency. ESAs navigation testbed vehicle was driven to Norway and equipped with a variety of satnav receivers, interference monitoring equipment, and antijamming antennas in order to assess the impact of jamming and spoofing on satnav systems and test innovative technologies for detection and mitigation.Economic, Environmental, and Safety ImplicationsThe testing of jamming and spoofing of satnav systems has economic, environmental, and safety implications. The economic implications stem from the cost of the equipment, especially for mass market grade antennas, and the cost of testing in a remote area. Additionally, the results of the testing will help inform future investment decisions regarding satnav technology and its applications. The environmental implications include the fuel consumption of the testbed vehicle during its travel to Norway and any potential environmental disruption from the testing. Finally, the safety implications are the most significant, as the success of the test will help ensure the accuracy and reliability of satnav systems in order to prevent possible accidents or emergencies.Geopolitical and Societal ImpactsThe geopolitical impact of this testing is that it demonstrates the importance of satnav systems to the world. The testing of new technologies in detection and mitigation of jamming and spoofing of satnav systems is necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of the systems in the future. On a societal level, this testing will help raise awareness of the potential vulnerabilities of satnav systems and the importance of their accuracy and reliability. It will also help inform future investment decisions regarding satnav technology and its applications, which will have a positive impact on society.


The jamming testing campaign organized by the Norwegian Communications Authority, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, and Norwegian Metrology Service and backed by the Norwegian Space Agency was a successful demonstration of the importance of satnav systems and the potential vulnerabilities of jamming and spoofing. The testing of new technologies in detection and mitigation of these vulnerabilities is necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of the systems in the future, and the successful testing in a remote area demonstrates the importance of satnav systems to the world.

Investigative Questions

  • What were the results of the test?
  • What technologies were tested for detection and mitigation of jamming and spoofing?
  • What are the potential impacts of the results of the test on future investment decisions?
  • How will the results of the test help inform society about the potential vulnerabilities of satnav systems?Comparison to a Star Trek TV or MovieThis situation is similar to an episode of Star Trek:

    The Next Generation in which the crew of the Enterprise encounters a space-faring race whose navigational systems have been disabled by an unknown source, forcing them to rely on the Enterprises navigational systems. In this scenario, the Enterprise crew is similar to the ESA team participating in the jamming testing campaign, as they are both working to detect and mitigate vulnerabilities in navigational systems in order to ensure the safety of the crew and the world, respectively.

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