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Report: U.S. service members population falls nearly 3% over past year


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Report: U.S. service members population falls nearly 3% over past year

by Clyde Hughes
Washington DC (UPI) Nov 6, 2023
The number of U.S. servicemembers dropped by 2.7% over the past year while the percentage of women in the military increased slightly, according to new statistics from the Defense Department's 2022 Demographics Profile of the Military Community.

The report counted 2,077,630 service members, 58,282 members lower than the same time in 2021. The new statistics said women now make up 17.5% of the active duty forces. The number of women in active duty has increased 2.9% and selected reserve forces by 4.4%.

"The Demographics Profile of the Military Community and research conducted by the Department ensures we have the quality data we need to understand and respond to the ever-changing needs of our service members and their families," said Patricia Montes Barron, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Military Community and Family Policy, in a statement.

"The updated demographic data and trends help the department assess and tailor our policies and programs to best support our service members and their families."

The report said nearly 30% of the total defense forces identified with a racial minority group and 17.3% identified themselves as Latinos. It also said that 37% of the Department of Defense members have spouses, 62.6% have children and 0.3% have adult or other dependents.

"Data highlighted in the report includes information from all services, including gender, race, age, education, family members, paygrades and geographic location," the Defense Department said in a statement. "It provides a standard resource for policymakers, program planners and those analyzing to support the military community."

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


The objective of this text is to provide an overview of the current demographic makeup of the U.S. military and to analyze the data in order to best support the military community. State of the Art and Limitations:

The current state-of-the-art is the Defense Departments 2022 Demographics Profile of the Military Community report, which provides detailed demographic data regarding gender, race, age, education, family members, paygrades, and geographic location. However, this data is limited to the U.S. military and may not provide an accurate representation of the global military population.

Whats New:

The report provides an updated demographic overview of the U.S. military, as well as information regarding the number of service members, the percentage of women in the military, and the racial and ethnic makeup of the department. Target Audience and Impact:

The target audience of the report is policymakers, program planners, and those analyzing to support the military community. The impact of the report is that it will help the Department of Defense to assess and tailor their policies and programs to best support service members and their families. Risks:

The risks involved in this approach are that the data may not accurately represent the global military population and that the data may not be sufficient to inform effective policies and programs. Cost and


The cost of pursuing this approach is not specified in the text, and there is no timeline provided for achieving results.Mid-term and Final

Success Metrics:

The mid-term and final success metrics of this approach are not specified.

Score for Ability to Interest DARPA: 6/10

This text provides an overview of the current demographic makeup of the U.S. military and the potential for the data to inform effective policies and programs. However, the text does not specifically address how this data can be utilized to further DARPAs goals or objectives.

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