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Present and future of satellite navigation

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Present and future of satellite navigation

by Staff Writers
Madrid, Spain (SPX) Aug 15, 2023
The 14th ESA/JRC International Summer School on GNSS, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC), took place in July in Kiruna, Sweden. The Summer School, sponsored this year by GMV, trains the next generations of scientists and engineers to master space-related applications.

This year's program focused on giving students a comprehensive overview of satellite navigation, an area in which GMV is a clear leader, covering concepts such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS); signals and data processing in receivers; and positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) solutions.

The Summer School, which included a series of lectures on the present and future of satellite systems, also focused on having the students develop an innovative group project covering all stages of entrepreneurship, from an initial business idea or plan to the technical implementation and commercialization of the final product.

Victor Pozo, Head of GMV's Navigation Systems Ground Control Segment, attended this year's ESA/JRC International Summer School to explore this topic in greater depth and to share GMV's experience in the satellite navigation sector with the students, giving a presentation entitled "GMV-powered navigation scenario."

In June, GMV won a major ESA contract to develop the control ground segment of the Galileo Second Generation (G2G) in-orbit validation (IOV) system.

Galileo, Europe's global navigation satellite system, is the proud flagship of the European Union's growing space activity. It currently serves more than four billion users worldwide, providing global positioning, navigation, and clock synchronization services.

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: The 14th ESA JRC International Summer School on GNSS was organized by the European Space Agency and the Joint Research Centre, and sponsored by GMV. The program focused on giving students a comprehensive overview of satellite navigation, covering topics such as GNSS signals and data processing in receivers and positioning, navigation, and timing solutions. The Summer School also had students develop an innovative group project to explore the stages of entrepreneurship, from an initial business idea or plan to the technical implementation and commercialization of the final product. In June, GMV won a major ESA contract to develop the control ground segment of the Galileo Second Generation in orbit validation system. Galileo is Europes global navigation satellite system which serves more than four billion users worldwide, providing global positioning, navigation, and clock synchronization services. This article demonstrates the importance of satellite navigation and its continued development in the space and defense industries. Over the past 25 years, the space and defense industries have seen significant developments in satellite navigation, including increased accuracy of GPS systems, improvements in global coverage, and higher resolution images and data. As such, this article is relevant to the space and defense industries in terms of its discussion of the current and future of satellite navigation and GNSS signals.Investigative


  • 1. What are the potential applications of GNSS signals?

  • 2. What advancements have been made in satellite navigation over the past 25 years?

  • 3.
How can the Galileo Second Generation be used for in orbit validation?

4. What are the implications of GMVs contract to develop the control ground segment of the Galileo Second Generation?

5. How can GNSS technologies and services be used to benefit users worldwide?

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