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New Delhi to restrict vehicles as pollution spikes

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New Delhi to restrict vehicles as pollution spikes

by AFP Staff Writers
New Delhi (AFP) Nov 6, 2023
New Delhi will restrict the use of private vehicles for a week in a bid to offer residents some respite from the toxic smog choking the megacity, authorities announced Monday.

Delhi, home to 30 million people, is blanketed in acrid smog at the onset of winter every year, primarily blamed on stubble burning by farmers in the neighbouring agrarian states.

The city is regularly ranked as one of the most polluted on the planet, with its smog blamed for hundreds of thousands of premature deaths each year.

So far, government-led efforts have failed to tackle the country's air quality problem, which a 2017 US study found kills one million people prematurely in India every year.

Gopal Rai, Delhi's environment minister, said the road-rationing scheme would be introduced for a week from next Monday, a day after Diwali -- the Hindu festival of lights, when revellers set off firecrackers.

Under the scheme, cars with odd and even number plates would be allowed to travel on alternate days during the period.

"The decision has been taken as after Diwali, pollution may rise further," Rai said at a press conference.

The situation would be reviewed after November 20, he added.

Levels of the most dangerous PM2.5 particles -- so tiny they can enter the bloodstream -- reached 184 micrograms per cubic metre on Monday according to IQAir, 12 times the daily maximum recommended by the World Health Organization.

Nonetheless, cricketers from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka took to the field for a World Cup match in the afternoon.

It is not the first time the road restriction scheme has been tried in the capital -- it was put into action in 2016, 2017 and 2019.

Vehicle emissions account for a significant proportion of air pollution in Delhi, but a 2018 study by Indian government scientists found that the odd-even rule did not succeed in reducing emissions -- and may even have increased them due to disruption to normal traffic patterns.

Rai also said schools in the city will remain closed till November 11 and construction activities will be banned.

Artificial Intelligence Analysis


The objective of this initiative is to offer Delhi residents respite from the toxic smog choking the megacity by restricting the use of private vehicles for a week.


State-of-the-Art and Limitations:

Government-led efforts have failed to tackle the air quality issue in India, leading to premature deaths each year.

Whats New in the Approach and Why it Will Succeed:

The road rationing scheme will be introduced for a week from next Monday, a day after Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, when revellers set off firecrackers. Cars with odd and even number plates will be allowed to travel on alternate days during the period.

Target Audience and Impact if Successful:

The target audience is the 30 million people living in Delhi. If successful, it will reduce the air pollution in Delhi and the resulting health risks.

Risks Involved in Pursuing this Approach:

There is a risk that implementing the road rationing scheme may not reduce emissions and may even increase them.

Cost of Pursuing this Approach:

The cost of pursuing this approach is not provided.Timeline for Achieving Results:

The road rationing scheme will be in effect for one week starting from next Monday.Mid-term and Final

Success Metrics:

The mid-term success metric will be reduced PM

  • 2.5 levels in Delhi, and the final success metric will be a sustained reduction in air pollution levels.

    Score for Ability to Interest DARPA: 6/10

    This initiative does not present a groundbreaking approach for tackling air pollution and does not offer any data to demonstrate its effectiveness. However, it has the potential to reduce air pollution levels in Delhi and improve the health of its residents, which could be of interest to DARPA.

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