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Global warming predicted to cost Australia billions

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Global warming predicted to cost Australia billions

by AFP Staff Writers
Sydney (AFP) Aug 24, 2023
Global warming could cost Australia's economy hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming decades if workplaces cannot adapt to soaring temperatures, a government report said Thursday.

Working conditions will become so difficult in the already sun-kissed and desert-scarred continent that officials predict a drop in output of between Aus$135 billion (US$88 billion) and Aus$423 billion (US$274 billion).

The forecast assumes global temperatures will increase by three to four degrees Celsius by 2063, leaving labourers to toil in ever more difficult conditions.

Measures such as tree planting and changing how buildings are designed would only help sweltering workers "to some degree", the report said.

The estimate does not include the cost to agriculture, or tourism -- with fewer visitors expected to come to Australia due to natural disasters and the degradation of natural attractions, such as beaches hit by erosion.

"Dealing with climate change is a global environmental and economic imperative," said Treasurer Jim Chalmers on the report's release.

He said billions must be spent to meet the country's net zero by 2050 target, to decarbonise heavy industries and build a clean energy economy.

Australia is one of the world's largest producers of coal and gas.

But Chalmers insisted the transition provided an opportunity to businesses and to a country replete with minerals needed to produce green energy technologies.

"Demand for critical minerals will explode -- the opportunity of the century," he said.

Commenting on the report, Kathryn Bowen, professor of environment, climate and global health at the University of Melbourne, said measures aimed at helping people adapt to climate change needed to "rapidly accelerate".

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

Defense Industry Analyst:


This article is relevant to the defense industry as it discusses the economic impacts of global warming, and the potential for investment in green energy technology and critical minerals. It also highlights the importance of adaptation measures, and the need for increased funding to meet the countrys net zero by 2050 target. The article is timely, as climate change is a major global concern, and Australia is one of the worlds largest producers of coal and gas. It is important to understand the potential economic impacts of global warming, and how the defense industry can respond to the changing climate.

Stock Market Analyst:


This article is relevant to the stock market as it discusses the potential economic impacts of global warming in Australia, and the need for businesses to transition to a clean energy economy. It also mentions the potential opportunity for investment in critical minerals, which could have an impact on stock prices. However, the article does not provide any specific details about the stock market, so its relevance to stock market analysis is limited.

General Industry Analyst:


This article is relevant to the general industry as it discusses the potential economic impacts of global warming in Australia, and the need for businesses to transition to a clean energy economy. It also mentions the potential opportunity for investment in critical minerals, which could have an impact on the overall industry. The article is timely, as climate change is a major global concern, and Australia is one of the worlds largest producers of coal and gas.



: This article discusses the potential economic impacts of global warming in Australia, and the need for businesses to transition to a clean energy economy. It also mentions the potential opportunity for investment in critical minerals, which could have an impact on the overall industry. The article is timely, as climate change is a major global concern, and Australia is one of the worlds largest producers of coal and gas. The article is highly relevant to defense industry analysts as it discusses the potential economic impacts of global warming, and the potential for investment in green energy technology and critical minerals. It is also somewhat relevant to stock market analysts, as it mentions the potential opportunity for investment in critical minerals, though it does not provide any specific details about the stock market. For general industry analysts, the article is also relevant, as it discusses the potential economic impacts of global warming, and the need for businesses to transition to a clean energy economy. Over the past 25 years, there have been significant developments in the space and defense industry, particularly with the emergence of technology such as artificial intelligence, robotics and autonomous systems, as well as the growth of space-based services. This articles content is not directly related to these developments, but it does relate to the global impact of climate change, which is likely to become one of the biggest challenges for the industry in the future.Investigative


  • 1. How are defense industry analysts incorporating the potential economic impacts of global warming into their analysis of the industry?

  • 2. What measures are being taken by the Australian government to reduce emissions and transition to a clean energy economy?

  • 3.
How is the increasing demand for critical minerals impacting the global market?

4. What specific investments could be made to capitalize on the potential opportunity for green energy technology?

5. How can businesses adapt to the changing climate in order to minimize economic losses?

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