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Dutch criminal probe against US firm DuPont over 'forever chemicals'


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Dutch criminal probe against US firm DuPont over 'forever chemicals'

by AFP Staff Writers
The Hague (AFP) Oct 19, 2023
Dutch authorities on Thursday launched a criminal investigation into US chemical giant DuPont and its spinoff Chemours over years of pollution from so-called "forever chemicals" at a plant south of Rotterdam.

The Public Prosecutor's Office launched the probe after a class-action suit by 2,400 people over contamination from toxic chemicals found in everyday items such as non-stick frying pans and waterproof clothing.

The investigation will focus on emissions of PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid), one of a group of chemicals that take a long time to break down in nature and have been linked to cancer, infertility and environmental damage.

"In the context of that investigation, we will also examine whether the managers of the company also have any criminal liability," prosecutors said in a statement.

The authorities said the probe would be "very complex, both factually and legally" and would take at least a year to complete. The probe concerns pollution up until 2012.

The case is the latest legal action against chemical firms around the world, which have paid out billions to settle complaints over toxic products.

In June, US industrial conglomerate 3M said it would pay up to $12.5 billion to settle numerous claims from US public water systems accusing it of tainting their supplies with pollutants.

Based on US court documents, Dutch investigative programme Zembla reported in June that the Chemours plant, run by DuPont for decades, knew its chemicals were polluting Dordrecht and surrounding areas.

The programme led to a hearing in the Dutch parliament into the matter.

A Chemours spokesperson told local news agency ANP the firm would "co-operate fully" with the probe.

"We see it as our job to produce essential materials in a responsible fashion. We are constantly striving to improve our production process to further reduce the impact on our environment," the spokesperson was quoted as saying.

Lawyer Benedicte Ficq, who brought the case on behalf of the 2,400 people living near the plant, said it was an "important step" in bringing those responsible for the pollution to justice and served as a "warning" to other firms.

"We must not play with well-being and the health of people and the environment. When that does happen, the bosses in smart suits will have to answer to the law," she said.


DuPont de Nemours


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The Dutch authorities have launched a criminal investigation into US chemical giant DuPont and its spinoff Chemours for years of pollution from so-called “forever chemicals” at a plant south of Rotterdam. This is in response to a class-action suit by 2,400 people over contamination from toxic chemicals such as non-stick frying pans and waterproof clothing. The investigation will focus on emissions of PFOA, a chemical that takes a long time to break down and has been linked to cancer, infertility, and environmental damage.

Economic Implications:

The economic implications of this investigation are difficult to predict. The investigation is expected to take at least a year to complete, and the outcome of the investigation could lead to costly fines and penalties for DuPont and Chemours. This could have a significant impact on the financial stability of the companies, and may lead to job losses and decreased investment in the region.Environmental Implications: The environmental implications of this investigation are likely to be positive. If the investigation finds that the companies are responsible for polluting the environment, they may be held accountable and forced to take responsibility for cleaning up their emissions. This could lead to improved air and water quality in the region, and may serve as a deterrent for other companies engaging in similar practices.Safety Implications: The safety implications of this investigation are likely to be positive. If the investigation finds that the companies are responsible for polluting the environment, they may be held accountable and forced to take responsibility for improving safety standards. This could lead to improved safety conditions for workers in the region, as well as for the general public.Geopolitical and Societal Impacts: The geopolitical and societal impacts of this investigation are likely to be mixed. On the one hand, it could lead to improved safety and environmental standards in the region, which could benefit the local population. On the other hand, it could lead to decreased investment in the region, which could have negative impacts on the local economy. Additionally, the investigation could have international implications, as it could set a precedent for other countries and companies to follow when it comes to environmental regulations.


In conclusion, the Dutch authorities have launched a criminal investigation into US chemical giant DuPont and its spinoff Chemours over years of pollution from so called “forever chemicals” at a plant south of Rotterdam. This investigation could have a range of economic, environmental, and safety implications for the region, as well as geopolitical and societal impacts. The outcome of the investigation is yet to be seen, but it could have far-reaching consequences for the companies and the region.

Investigative Questions:

- What are the specific charges against DuPont and Chemours? - What are the potential penalties for the companies if they are found guilty?- How will the investigation impact the local economy and environment?- What are the potential implications for other countries and companies?

Comparison to Star Trek:

This situation is similar to the episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation “The Drumhead”, where a Starfleet admiral launches an investigation into a suspected Romulan spy on board the Enterprise. The investigation quickly spirals out of control, leading to the unjust persecution of an innocent crewmember, and demonstrating the power of fear and paranoia. The Dutch criminal investigation against DuPont and Chemours has the potential to have similarly far-reaching implications, and serves as a reminder to remain vigilant against the misuse of power.

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