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Canada minister in China for talks, a first since 2019


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Canada minister in China for talks, a first since 2019

by AFP Staff Writers
Montreal (AFP) Aug 26, 2023
The Canadian environment minister was traveling Saturday to Beijing for talks on climate change and biodiversity, the first visit there by a Canadian minister in four years.

Steve Guilbeault will take part in three days of talks starting Monday at the annual assembly of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED).

"Climate change and environmental issues know no borders," he said in a statement. "We cannot tackle these existential threats without engaging with a wide range of stakeholders and partners."

Coming after years of strained bilateral ties -- made worse by Canada's 2018 arrest, at US request, of a Chinese telecoms executive -- Guilbeault's visit has been blasted as "treason" by some in the Conservative opposition.

In comments to Radio-Canada, Guilbeault defended his trip, saying it was crucial that his country broaden collaboration over the climate and biodiversity while also trying to repair diplomatic ties with China, a major trade partner.

He said he had developed a relationship with Chinese counterpart Huang Runqiu that allowed the two to "sit at a table despite our differences and talk about difficult subjects."

The two countries put aside their tensions last December while serving as co-organizers of the COP15 biodiversity conference in Montreal, which produced a historic agreement.

But tensions have lingered since the 2018 arrest, at US behest, of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

Only days after her arrest, two Canadians -- businessman Michael Spavor and former diplomat Michael Kovrig -- were arrested in China on what Canada said were trumped-up charges intended as retaliation for Meng's detention.

All three have since been freed, but tensions have persisted. Beijing complains that Ottawa has aligned its China policy too closely with Washington's aggressive approach, while Canadian authorities accuse China of interfering in its internal affairs.

Suggestions in recent months that members of China's diaspora had meddled in the last two federal elections in Canada, targeting critics of Beijing, have placed the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau under pressure.

China has denied the allegations.

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This article discusses a visit to Beijing by the Canadian Environment Minister, Steve Guilbeault, for talks on climate change and biodiversity. This is the first visit to Beijing by a Canadian minister in four years, and the visit has been met with criticism from the Conservative opposition as “treason”. Guilbeault defended his trip, saying that it was necessary to broaden collaboration over the climate and biodiversity while also attempting to repair diplomatic ties with China, a major trade partner. In December 2020, Canada and China co-organized the COP15 biodiversity conference in Montreal which resulted in a historic agreement. However, tensions have lingered due to the 2018 arrest of a Chinese telecoms executive by Canada at US request. This strained bilateral ties, and two Canadians were arrested in China in retaliation for Meng’s detention. All three have since been freed, but tensions remain. This article is significant as it highlights the ongoing tensions between Canada and China, and the need to reconcile these tensions in order to promote collaboration in the areas of climate change and biodiversity.

Comparison with Significant Events and Trends in the Space and Defense Industry over the past 25 years:

The article can be compared to the wave of defense cooperation between the US and Canada which began in the 1990s. This included the creation of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in 1996, which was a joint effort by the two countries to protect North American airspace. This cooperation was further extended in 2006 with the signing of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. While this article does not specifically mention defense cooperation between Canada and China, it does highlight the need for collaboration in the areas of climate change and biodiversity, suggesting that Canada and China may be able to find com

mon ground in this area.

Investigative Questions

that Analysts Might Pose:

  • 1. What specific topics will be discussed during the CCICED talks?

  • 2. How will Canada and China work to reconcile their differences in order to further collaboration?

  • 3.
What are the potential impacts of successful collaboration on climate change and biodiversity?

4. What are the implications of strained diplomatic ties between Canada and China?

5. What other opportunities exist for Canada and China to cooperate on environmental initiatives?

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