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July 04, 2024

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Above Space signs Umbrella Space Act Agreement With NASA

One location highlighted for collaboration under this agreement is NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. Above will conduct tests at the MSFC's flat floor facility, known for its near-perfectly flat surface, allowing objects to move almost frictionlessly on a cushion of air.

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Above Space signs Umbrella Space Act Agreement With NASA

by Brad Bartz
Los Angeles CA (SPX) Jul 14, 2023
Above Space Development Corporation, a key player in the space technology sector, has recently inked an Umbrella Space Act Agreement (SAA) with NASA, a development set to have significant implications for both parties. This five-year SAA outlines the scope for collaborative work on various technologies designed for commercial, civil, and government clientele, marking an important step in the progression of the space industry.

The agreement grants Above Space Development access to NASA's facilities and services, aiding the organization in the testing and enhancement of its systems, tools, and technology.

Rhonda Stevenson, CEO and President of Above, spoke on the potential of the agreement. "Our new Umbrella Space Act Agreement with NASA will enable Above to test and validate its software, technology, and components that could be used in future cislunar space stations and near-term launch projects."

She further expressed optimism about the potential for Above's competitive industry position, with the support from this agreement complementing Above's two prominent Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts. The SBIR contracts focus on developing a ground-to-orbit energy receiver platform and in-space manufacturing of lightweight, thin-film solar photovoltaics (PV).

The collaboration not only benefits Above, but it also offers value to NASA by providing them with insight into Above's technological advancements and innovations. Specifically, Above will shed light on their work within hybrid and microgravity initiatives, enhancing NASA's understanding of these fields.

One location highlighted for collaboration under this agreement is NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. Above will conduct tests at the MSFC's flat floor facility, known for its near-perfectly flat surface, allowing objects to move almost frictionlessly on a cushion of air.

The MSFC's flat floor facility has a long history of validating a range of space technologies, including space shuttles, serving as a testament to the facility's importance within the space industry. Above will join the ranks of companies that have benefited from this facility, leveraging the unique environment to test their own space engineering technologies.

This new collaboration between Above and NASA demonstrates the increasing interconnectivity and cooperation between government agencies and private industry within the burgeoning space sector. As the space industry continues to grow and evolve, partnerships like the one between Above and NASA will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in advancing the frontiers of technology and space exploration.

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