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35 Candles and over 50 Space Missions for SPACEBEL

In 35 years, the company has brought its know-how to the success of more than 50 international Space missions aimed at a deeper understanding of the Universe and our planet Earth. Today, many spacecraft fly around the Earth using SPACEBEL software.

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35 Candles and over 50 Space Missions for SPACEBEL

by Staff Writers
Brussels, Belgium (SPX) Oct 09, 2023
Belgian company SPACEBEL, a renowned specialist in software engineering and Space systems, is celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary.

Launched into orbit in 1988 to support the ambitions of Europe, and Belgium in particular, in Space, SPACEBEL quickly established a solid reputation in the Space and Earth observation applications sector thanks to its innovative software solutions. Drawing on its cross-disciplinary engineering activities at all levels of the Space industry, the Belgian company designs and develops software for various types of Space infrastructure:

+ On-board flight control software for satellites and Space vehicles

+ Ground systems for mission and control centres

+ Satellite simulation and modelling tools

+ Space data access systems

Throughout its existence, SPACEBEL has also built up an expertise of excellence in Space applications: our Earth observation services for forestry, agriculture, ground movement and natural resources management help decision-makers around the world to protect and improve ecosystems.

In 35 years, the company has brought its know-how to the success of more than 50 international Space missions aimed at a deeper understanding of the Universe and our planet Earth. Today, many spacecraft fly around the Earth using SPACEBEL software.

Its track record includes the Columbus module of the International Space Station, the SPOT, Pleiades, CSO and EarthCARE Earth observation satellites, the Altius ozone layer watcher "Made in Belgium", the series of Proba microsatellites and Proteus satellites, the Vega launcher and Space Rider shuttle, the scientific GAIA and more recent Euclid satellites - the latter intended for studying dark energy - and the Hera planetary defence mission.

Another highlight was the opening, 5 years ago, of 500 m of ISO 5 and ISO 7 clean rooms at the SPACEBEL headquarters in Liege, which clearly represent a significant asset for this key player in the Space industry.

In this jubilee year, SPACEBEL employs over one hundred and ten people across four sites, in Liege, Hoeilaart, Toulouse and Warsaw. To sustain its dynamic development, the company is constantly on the lookout for new talent motivated to co-write the future chapters of its Space ambitions...

Artificial Intelligence Analysis

  • Defense Industry Analyst: 9/10

  • Stock Market Analyst: 8

  • General Industry Analyst: 7



    SPACEBEL, a Belgian company specializing in software engineering and Space systems, is celebrating its 35th anniversary. SPACEBEL has built a strong reputation in the Space and Earth observation applications sector with its innovative software solutions. Over the past 35 years, the company has contributed to the success of more than 50 international Space missions and their onboard flight control software, ground systems for mission and control centres, satellite simulation and modelling tools, and space data access systems. SPACEBEL has also developed expertise in Space applications for forestry, agriculture, ground movement, and natural resources management. In addition, the company has opened 500m of ISO 5 and ISO 7 clean rooms at its headquarters in Liege, further demonstrating its commitment to excellence in the Space industry. This anniversary is a testament to SPACEBEL’s success and its ability to remain at the forefront of innovation.

    Since its launch in 1988, SPACEBEL has contributed to the ambitions of Europe and Belgium in particular in the Space industry. In the past 25 years, the Space industry has seen a number of significant events and trends, including the emergence of new technologies, the privatization of Space exploration, increased commercialization of the industry, and the increased use of nanosatellites. SPACEBEL has been at the forefront of these developments, contributing to the success of various international Space missions and providing innovative software solutions to the industry.

    Investigative questions for further understanding of the implications of the article:

    • 1. How has SPACEBEL’s expertise in Space applications helped decision makers around the world?

    • 2. What new technologies has SPACEBEL helped develop for the Space industry?

    • 3.
    What have been the benefits of the privatization of Space exploration for SPACEBEL?

    4. How has increased commercialization of the Space industry impacted SPACEBEL?

    5. How has the use of nanosatellites impacted SPACEBEL’s software solutions?

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